Adrian Knight is an accomplished acquisition entrepreneur, adventurer, and endurance athlete. He  buys and sells businesses for a living and has used his acquisition skills to build a multi-million children’s education group from the ground up in less than 3 years.

Main Business Issues:

Fulfillment in success 

Adrian’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

By all accounts Adrian is someone who looks to have all of the ingredients to be successful in terms of  track record and  material success

Yet the feeling of inner peace and fulfillment around enjoying those things seemed to have alluded him

Diving deeper into his patterns allowed him to see that he had a harsh inner critic that was relentless at always needing more 

This manifested in him being a lot more comfortable always adding things to his plate including more business acquisitions

This eventually imploded in on him and he realized he had to embrace stability but a part of him resisted it 

As we dove deeper into this aspect it became clear that there was more healing for him to find acceptance in being as he is and heal some of the childhood associations with success for him to be fully present in his fulfilment 

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