Dr. Allison Heffron is a rehab/evidence-based chiropractor and acupuncturist.  She owns her own practice with her husband, Dr. Vinny Tagliaferro, who is also a chiropractor and functional medicine specialist.  Through their holistic approach to care they investigate and get to the root cause of the problem in order to get long term solutions for their patients.

Main Business Issues:

Hesitation to show up on social media

Allison’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Like many business owners looking to grow their business Allison took to social media to grow her audience 

Despite hiring a business coach she had to force herself and be self accountable to actually do the work to go online

This was in stark contrast to her self motivation in becoming an expert in her field and was something she didn’t understand 

As we dove deeper it turned out that where Alison excelled was environments where the container was set, like school and following protocols for her patients 

This revealed that the core of her issues was really a lack of self trust to create her own standards of business, life and success

This preoccupation with being “correct” kept her locked in the wide open space of the internet and also triggered a harsh inner critic whenever she did wish to pursue it 

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