Kelly Swingler is the Burnout Recovery Strategist for leaders who are ready to thrive after burnout.  In 2013 Kelly was a high performing and successful Executive, until she reached Burnout. Thinking she'd learned all there was to learn about Burnout prevention she burned out again in 2015. Kelly has done all of the hard work, studying and learning to help her clients recover from Burnout and to avoid Burnout happening again and her talks, books and work are received by audiences from around the world.

Main Business Issues:

Leaving money on the table unnecessarily 

Kelly’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

As a burnout expert Kelly was very well aware of her patterns and the head trash that has contributed to her burnout in the past

Diving deeper into them it became clear the same patterns and limits of unworthiness were creating unnecessary bottlenecks in her business right now

She had discomfort asking for money despite evidence that others were very willing to pay for her expertise 

Additionally, she recognized she felt unsafe receiving and was instead more at ease constantly giving and over-giving

Also, she recognized that a part of her aversion in setting up systems and memberships in her business was due to feeling significant from constantly being needed 

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