Matt Drinkhahn is the host of The Eternal Optimist Podcast, father of 3 daughters and husband to an amazing wife. He’s generated $130 million in career sales and coaches high-performers to ask better questions and level up their communication with themselves and their people. And he’s here today to share his positive message and impact our listeners. 

Main Business Issues:

Balancing between wanting more achievement and more time with family

Matt’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As a successful entrepreneur and coach, Matt was having a hard time balancing between the drive to have more success and time to invest into his relationships

As we dove deeper we began to uncover a lag in his ability to really articulate how he felt about the situation 

Through various prompts he was able to uncover the core emotion of ‘not being good enough’ as the linchpin behind his inner imbalance 

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