Nichole Hamilton is a diverse mum of three with a successful multi 6k figure coaching business. Her passion is helping our children heal. Through her own journey she has healed addiction, self sabotage, depression and trauma. Her holistic qualifications mounted with 17 years educational and motherhood experience have lead her to this mission and purpose.

Main Business Issues:

Imposter syndrome in growing larger

Nichole’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Despite her extensive experience along with business and client success Nichole had a hard time connecting to creating a wider impact with her business
As we dug deeper it uncovered a layer of self doubt, imposter syndrome and a sense of not being ‘good enough’
Nichole was then guided into her body to really get to the emotional root of the issue which was losing a sense of play inside her business
As she released this energetic ‘ball and chain’ she was able to expand into a sense of expansion and the realization that she needed to bring more of a play energy inside of her business

Connect w/ Nichole:

If you'd like to know more please get in touch.

In the meantime, here are the links to my socials:


