Chuck Copenspire is the anti-professional professional. As a Sales Coach, Funnel Builder, and Social Media Analyst, he helps under-represented entrepreneurs find their footing in the business world and charge what they're worth. It's Chuck's mission to show that you can be weird, gay, and successful - on your own terms.

Main Business Issues:

Overwork and trouble delegating doesn’t create the space to step into leadership role within business

Chuck’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As the expert that grew his business Chuck found himself in heavy growth of the business where he was working more than he wanted
He wasn’t as present as he wanted to be with those close to him and had trouble enjoying things like vacations
In addition to the delegation hesitations he identified he realized that the troughline across his head trash was really trust
We dove into some of the things from his past to highlight the trust wounds and his biggest takeaway was the awareness of how all of these patterns were limiting him in his expansion as an entrepreneur

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