Wendy Lee Baldwin Hargett, Personal development coach, holistic healing facilitator, author and speaker. Helping spiritually minded women go from angst and despair to joy and vitality by turning their emotional pain story into their superpower. She provides a safe and loving space for clients to open their hearts, bare their souls and let go of what's hurting. Wendy transformed her pain story of anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, and wanting to die into hope for others, showing them that they too can find the joy, peace and self-love that they yearn for.

Main Business Issues:

Create a lot of forward momentum only to have something happen that crashes it

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

A history of putting others first creates a ripple effect in business that stalls growth
A common sentiment growing up of It’s Better to Give Than to Receive was a key part of Wendy’s paradigm keeping her playing small
A fear of success and expression because of many unworthiness patterns experienced growing up

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