There are hundreds of resources on health communication, patient education and health literacy waiting for you at And nearly all of them are free. Learn how to access them! EPISODE TRANSCRIPT This is episode #99 of 10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication! Thanks to you, we’re about to hit an important podcast milestone of […]
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There are hundreds of resources on health communication, patient education and health literacy waiting for you at And nearly all of them are free. Learn how to access them!


This is episode #99 of 10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication!

Thanks to you, we’re about to hit an important podcast milestone of 100 episodes. Celebrating that, we’ve given our digital home of a bit of a freshening up and a new look. I want to show you around the place, because you care about health literacy, patient education, health communication, health equity, and there are many resources on that site that I’m going to show you how to access.

Hi everybody. I’m Dr. Anne Marie Liebel and this is 10 Minutes To Better Patient Communication from Health Communication Partners, an independent health equity focused communication and education consultancy. Today’s episode sponsored by Maven Roth Group. For many people, the hardships and changes resulting from the pandemic have shifted priorities. The same old messages just don’t resonate with people now. Because of this, Maven Roth is helping organizations to better meet their audiences' new priorities. Maven Roth can refresh your marketing to reflect today’s changes. Visit today.

So is where this series lives. You probably knew that already. You might not have known that you can just type into your address bar, a little quicker. And there you will see our beautiful new home page which I’m going to talk about in a couple minutes. First, there are a couple menu items that I want to draw your attention to.

One of them is the podcast tab, right, the home of this show. Although we're obviously on a lot of streaming services, the show originates out of this website. And there’s something here that occurred to me last week I should probably talk about. And that is the transcripts to each of these episodes, right. So there’s transcripts to every one of them, you knew that. But in those transcripts, there are links. When I mention a study, I link out to it. And I’m drawing this to your attention now because I was just reading something last week that asserted the future of health research is multidisciplinary. And I’m seeing signs of that all over the place. The research that I share in this show, about half of it is from outside the health sector. So if you want to get multidisciplinary in the work that you’re doing in your organization, check out the hyperlinks that I have to the research that I share in the transcripts of the show. Okay. That's what I wanted to say there.

I want to go back out to the main menu and talk about a page there that’s called Insights + Resources. I'll park it there for a minute. So you might know that the larger purpose of was a way for me to share the research that doesn’t typically get into the health sector, but that has to do with issues that those in the health sector face, specifically around communication and education. Well, when I first started back in August of 2017, there wasn’t much on the site. I had a couple podcast episodes, I had a couple things that I had written, but it was kind of spare. But since then, I have written something new and published on the site every week. Sometimes twice a week. And so there’s a lot there now. I write in response to the questions that you share with me, the problems that you tell me that you’re having, some of what I’m learning as a consultant, what’s going on in the larger conversations that I’m a part of. By the way, if you haven’t reached out to me yet and there’s a topic you’d like to see addressed in a future episode, please do!

So if you’re mathematically inclined, you can go ahead and add up how many things are probably there if I started putting at least one a week onto the site since August of 2017! But there’s hundreds! So there’s a lot to wade through now! Because there’s this show, which is about to have a hundred episodes, but then there’s all of the writing that I do. There are infographics. And there are also videos. So we've got hundreds and hundreds of resources all around the topics that you’re used to hearing on this show. So what I’ve done on the insights + resources page is made it easier for you to get around!

One of the things I had done was made a kind of a hub or central location for the resources we have around three of our most popular topics: patient education, health literacy, and health communication. So on the insights + resources page, you’re going to find links to those hubs. You're also going to find a link to this show, right. You’re going to find articles that I have written recently that are in academic journals. You’re going to find a sign up for our Free Member Library. I don’t know if you know we have a free library. So this is my curated list. As I come across downloads, resources that I think this community would appreciate, I put them in the Free Member Library. So it’s, there’s a bunch of stuff there. Some things I have written, but most of them I haven’t. So you go ahead and sign up for the Free Member Library, boom. You get instant access to all of these downloads.

You also get our newsletter. We have a newsletter actually, we have two. The BRIDGES newsletter is what I put out the end of each month that tells you everything I have published that month, easy. And then midway through the month, I have the In Focus newsletter. That’s where I take a theme or a topic, and then share resources that I have on that topic. This is so that it’s easy for you to find them when you need them. Let's say in your organization you’re working on something involving cross-cultural communication. All you gotta do is go to your email inbox, search for cross-cultural communication, and that In Focus newsletter is going to pop up. Last month’s was in–last month’s In Focus was cross-cultural communication. So I wanna let you know about that. You sign up for the Free Member Library, you’ll get our newsletters as well.

You probably know that this show is also self-funded. By the way it’s also original! Like I write this for you. I don’t just kind of publish other people’s stuff. It's original and it's exclusive. So on the insights + resources page, you’ll also find links to my small digital educational products. So that’s, this is how the the show helps fund itself. So if you would like to be able to dig deeper into some of the issues I talk about on the show, these products are for you!

One of them is the bundle about Addressing Implicit Bias. And I want to tell you one thing you might not be aware of, and that’s that most bias training does not address communication. Guess what? That's what this whole bundle is about! Addressing bias in our communication. Spoken, written, digital, it’s all there.

The other bundle is Effective Patient Education. And if you have a library–access to a library, and many of you are are in academic centers and academic settings, some of you are instructors–if you have access to a library, ask your librarian for the library copies of these audiobook bundles: Addressing Implicit Bias and Effective Patient Education. That way you’re going to get hundreds of students being able to download it simultaneously, and keep the downloads. Students get to keep it. And as an instructor you also get an instructor’s guide that I've made for you, and that’s free.

So the other educational product I have is the medical metaphors, the Improving Medical Metaphors Workshop! If you sign up for the Free Member Library, you’ll get the first module of that for free so you can check it out and see if it’s something that you like. Okay, that’s on the insights + resources page.

I want to back out now to our home page. What this page does is kind of breaks down for you the different kinds of Consulting that I do. I consult in digital health, I consult in healthcare systems, I consult directly to health professionals, and then to academic, government, and Public Health. In short, what I help everybody with is more equitable communication, more equitable education. Let me explain that a little bit.

I help organizations improve their communication and education processes with a health equity lens. Right, so think about the issues you hear me talk about in this series: issues of diversity and equity and inclusion. Issues of multiculturalism. Issues of of culture, of power, of deficit perspectives. So these all relate to communication and education. And that is what I bring when I consult for an organization.

I’m also a researcher, so that figures in pretty heavily. I like to look at what organizations are already doing, and seek to improve them. I can also help you create things from scratch. Translate ideas into action. And that includes designing and implementing research studies that will help your organization achieve your health equity goals. I am very happy to see how much action there is now around improving health equity and reducing health disparities, and I would be happy to help your organization.

Contact me! Find me on Twitter, find me on LinkedIn, message me there. You can visit and click on contact. Or you can write me! I'm Annemarie at This has been 10 Minutes To Better Patient Communication from Health Communication Partners. Audio engineering and music by Joe Liebel. I’m Dr. Anne Marie Liebel, thank you for listening.

The post How to access all the resources waiting for you at appeared first on Health Communication Partners.

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