Tim Rhode is back on 10 Minute Mindset to talk about his 5 Levels of Financial Freedom, how people generally move through those 5 levels, how he experienced the 5 levels in his own life, and how he is changing the world through his 1 Life Fully Lived organization and their annual conference.

Tim Rhode is a rare individual who “walks the walk” of what he teaches. Tim came from a humble background, growing up in a blue-collar family in a blue-collar town. Despite barely graduating high school and never attending college, Tim went on to dream, plan, and create his own “magnificent life.”

Tim attributes his success to his own determination and the individuals who have kept him on track. In 2005, he realized he needed a quality peer-group of other successful men who understood his unique set of needs and could hold him accountable to his own high standards. Tim and three others created an accountability group through which they could help one another plan, execute, and achieve their financial and lifestyle goals. Over time, new members were added to their tribe, and by 2013 the foundation was o icially laid for GoBundance. Since then, membership has grown to nearly 200.

Having succeeded despite his own rocky beginnings, Tim is now inspired to help others and their paths earlier in life. In addition to co-founding GoBundance, Tim recently co-authored Tribe of Millionaires. He is also the creative force behind 1 Life Fully Lived, where he helps kids plan their future, meanwhile driving positive change in the ways children are taught in our schools. Tim understands he has lived a blessed life, and is fully committed to helping others dream, plan, and implement their own “magni cent future.

Connect with Tim online at GoBundance.com and 1LifeFullyLived.org and follow him on Facebook (GoBundance), Facebook (1LifeFullyLived), Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.