Today I’m going to explain what circus dogs and top mortgage brokers have in common. Inspired by my experiences of coaching people, I asked myself “why do some people crush the mortgage business and why are others crushed by it?” I discovered it all comes down to drive.

I saw a documentary about circus dogs that helped to explain this. The trainer was asked how he finds dogs that can perform tricks. He explained that he goes to the SPCA, or wherever, and walks down the aisle bouncing a ball. He looks for the dogs that follow the ball. That’s how he knows they have drive and are trainable.

The same can be said for the brokers who really succeed. You can see when you’re talking to them that they have that drive and dedication. So how do you know if the business is for you, and if it is, how do you foster that drive for success?

Firstly, drive is more important than experience. You can be in the business for one year and outperform people who’ve been brokering for years if you are dedicated. It comes down to having passion, humility and willingness to learn. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know and ask fort help.

What if you don’t have drive? Try and reconnect to your why. Why did you start this business in the first place? What motivated you? Rediscover it and use it as fuel. Finally, be bold and take risks. Don’t be afraid to ask for business. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

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