I want to let you in on 3 tips for writing better emails in this podcast. Some people think that email is dead. Not true. It’s only dead f you do it wrong. So, how do you do it right?

If you use Facebook and post content to your audience, generally less than 5% of your audience sees that content. If you want more people to see it, you have to pay to up your exposure. Let me tell you that even mediocre email marketing has an open rate of 20%.

To really boost your engagement, you need to think about and improve several things. Firstly, write to one person, not many. When you are writing out your email, write it to a specific person. When it’s ready to be sent, take out the person’s name. Writing to many means it’s more likely to be ignored.

My second tip is to tell stories, because our brains are actually wired to welcome stories. Use them strategically to keep people engaged. Thirdly, include a call to action. It can be as simple as asking to book a call or forward the message to someone who may be interested.

Finally, you need to consider your formatting. Don’t write huge swaths of text. If someone opens your email and sees a wall of text, they aren’t going to read it. Break it up; make it easily digestible. Also, strategically use bolding to grab people’s attention. Many people just skim read and look for the important points, so make those points stand out.

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