March 19, 2020 - 10 Facts About Spring

Today is the first day of Spring.

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Here are 10 Blooming Facts About Spring that you didn’t know, that you didn’t need to know:

Baby birds learn to sing during spring.Alaska and Hawaii don’t “Spring” their clocks forward like the rest of the US.Before Spring was called Spring, it was called "Lent" in Old English.The first day of spring at the North Pole marks the start of six months of uninterrupted daylight. At the South Pole it marks six months of uninterrupted darkness.According to the National Association of Realtors, spring is the most popular season to sell/buy a house.Spring starts at different timesAstronomical calendar 3/20(19)MeteorologistsPhenological when flowering startsNothing to do with what a groundhog saysAccording to legend, Punxsutawney Phil is the only Phil. All other groundhogs are imposters.Your sense of smell changes during spring because of the moisture in the air.You’re safer in spring, there's a 7% drop in robberies.Research shows Spring makes people more creative.