What can I do today to build the life of my dreams?


Matt, Nate, and I host a goals workshop every quarter, to help our members make the most progress towards their goals.


On March 25th, for the first time, we are opening up part of the Q2 Goals Day Workshop to our 10,000 Heroes listeners.


We will each present on different aspects of quarterly goal setting, and how to align your actions with your long-term goals. If you want a sneak peak of what we do in the program, with actionable techniques you can use today, please join us!


The event will last 2 hours and be done through zoom. 


Register in advance using this link:


Show Links:

Voicemail:  https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

Email: [email protected]

Podcast website: http://momentumlab.com/podcast

Momentum Lab: http://www.momentumlab.com


About our sponsor:

10,000 Heroes is brought to you by Momentum Lab. 


I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.


But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.


If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:


Accepting what is

Transforming your situation


We help you do both. 


The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly email: (Momentum) Lab Notes

