Ten Thousand Heroes is a show about vision, meaning, and purpose. We seek inspiration from people actively living their purpose and share their insights, tips, and struggles with you.


Today’s episode is a debrief.


Join our hosts Ankur Shah Delight and Nathan Ramos as they debrief last week’s interview with Stephanie Lepp, getting all up into non-violence, personal responsibility, integral philosophy, learning to love reality, what What Really Is the best way of getting what we want.

Show Links:

Voicemail:  https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @10khshow


Guest References:

Reckonings episode #21 (1-hour audio) — featuring a perpetrator and survivor of sexual assault who worked through it using restorative justice: https://www.reckonings.show/episodes/21


Deep Reckonings video of Brett Kavanaugh (5-min video) — an imaginary Kavanaugh wrestles with the way he responded to the sexual allegations against him: https://www.deepreckonings.com/kavanaugh.html


Venn thread — Twitter thread that uses Venn diagrams in attempt to articulate 'synthesis' positions on political issues: https://twitter.com/stephlepp/status/1475859017708670980


Be in touch on Twitter: @stephlepp


If you're not on [email protected]

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