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Karen Bonner had 3 sacred dreams when she was a teenager that continue to inform her life. Though her passion and work is analyzing dreams, she told me:


“Do not pin down sacred dreams, like a butterfly on a board.

Just let them be.

Many dreams hold answers and questions for you.

Sacred dreams only require honoring.

That’s all they require.”


I talk to Karen about her many years of NOT living her purpose, and what she did to stay present, on her to figuring out how to make dreams her reality.


We discuss how dreams work, what they reveal, and how Karen can talk to you about your dreams.

Karen’s website:



*** About The Ten Thousand Heroes Show ***


Why are you here?

What is this short and fragile life about?


These questions have easy answers in traditional cultures. You listen to the myths and stories of your elders and nod along.

But once we’re exposed to the chaos and diversity of the larger world (#thanksglobalization), the simple narratives of our ancestors suddenly seem silly and unattractive.


Rationality leads us into a desert of meaning.

But it turns out that we left something important behind: Purpose.


The Ten Thousand Heroes Show aims to restore our collective sense of meaning and fulfillment through demystifying purpose.


We present empirical techniques and rational arguments for taking Purpose seriously, while leaving room for fun and mystery.


And we interview inspiring humans along the way, each of whom has a clear sense of Purpose, and whose sense of Purpose has allowed their success.


*** Show Links ***


Voicemail:  https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow

Email: [email protected]

Show Archives: http://10kh.show

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/10000-heroes/id1565667158

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Mh2WvODShs6jwIQSd0wp1

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tenthousandheroes

Newsletter: http://momentumlab.com/newsletter

Coaching Program: http://momentumlab.com/fellowship

Upcoming In-Person Retreats: https://momentumlab.com/retreats/


***  About Momentum Lab ***


The Ten Thousand Heroes Show is brought to you by Momentum Lab.

I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.

But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.

If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:

Accepting what is

Transforming your situation

We help you do both.


The best way of learning more is to sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Ten Thousand Heroes Club:
