Today I’m going to make the experiment a bit personal. If I’m here to be my fullest most integrated self, and live up to my potential, then Jeff Salzman would probably tell me I had to integrate ALL the wisdom and ALL the learning from every stage of our human journey, both personal and societal.


In fact, that’s exactly what he told me in this episode, and he gave me some hints on how to to do it, especially with regard to anger, conflict, and the power of raw emotion.


Consider this Part I in the journey…


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10,000 Heroes is brought to you by Momentum Lab. 


I normally refer to Momentum Lab as an experiment-based coaching program or a goal accelerator.


But it’s beyond that. It’s a deep investigation into Purpose, Vision, and what it takes to achieve our goals in every area of life.


If you’re interested in falling in love with who you are, what you’re doing, or what you’re surrounded with, there’s two roads:


Accepting what is

Transforming your situation


We help you do both. 


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