My guest this episode is John Giuliano. You’ve probably never heard of him, but he’s a real, true hero. And not just in the sense of knowing how he wants to contribute, but actually in terms of the relationship he cultivates between himself and others.


He gets, on a fundamental level, that this distinction between self and other is an illusion, and therefore, that the whole notions of selfishness and altruism have very little ground to stand on.


I met John 20 years ago as a senior in college. He was on a speaking tour of the US, talking about what he had seen in El Salvador, first as a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, then as a combatant in the civil war, then as a negotiator of the peace accords, and finally as a person who dedicated his life to rebuilding the lives, hearts, and buildings in a single village: Guarjila.


I went on to visit John and Guarjila a few weeks later and what I experienced there changed my life forever.


He’s one of the greatest teachers and mentors I’ve ever known. Which is why I gave him carte blanche to be himself in this interview.


So it came out a little different. It’s long. It’s slow. There are more pauses. A whole history of El Salvador in the 80s. More meandering. And you can really sink into the reality that is John Giuliano.


At the last moment of the interview, over ninety minutes in, I ask John his technique for helping the kids in Guarjila find their mission, their sense of purpose. He’s only a few moments into the answer when my daughter interrupts, after having patiently waited for almost two hours.


So that’ll be next time. And then we’ll talk about the current landscape in El Salvador the time after that. And we’ll just keep rolling. I’d love to have John on the show a dozen times this year. So send me any questions you want me to ask him and we’ll do it. I got his number.

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Guest References:

John’s Project in Guarjila:


About our sponsor:

10,000 Heroes is brought to you by Momentum Lab. 


I normally refer to Momentum Lab as a coaching program or a goal accelerator.


But you could also call it a Master's degree in life.


When you join Momentum Lab, you get crystal clear on what it is you actually want. Who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to contribute.


And then we get into all the painful details of what has been blocking you this whole time. 


Once that’s all in the clear, we can give you the knowledge, tools and support to actualize your vision. 


Sometimes that's a spreadsheet. Sometimes it's a mindset hack. Sometimes it's a lecture and sometimes it's a hug.


Our only attachment is to your higher self.


So when you're ready to be the next version of yourself and your business for your family, or just for your own sense of fulfillment, drop me a line ;)