The first interview of Season 5! The first interview of 2023! I am so excited!


I’m also delighted to have had some really beautiful moments with my guest, Noah Rasheta.


Noah’s probably best known as the host of the Secular Buddhism podcast, and an author, and a paragliding instructor. I was really moved by his story – from Dan Greening, a previous guest – and I really benefited from his story, and his Vibe.


The “Vibe” is a hard concept to define. For me, it’s something about what a person has really integrated into themself, versus just what we say or claim to have learned.


There’s a lot of people who talk about Buddhism. Who are interested in Enlightenment. Who have spent years (or decades) studying it. And I’ve met quite a few of those in my travels and my studies.


And then there’s the sense I get when I’m around someone who feels “different”. And that’s the Vibe. That there’s more than an intellectual understanding, but a lived experience behind the words.


It’s what Uncle Jamal would call “Knowledge of the Heart” as opposed to “Knowledge of the Tongue”. And Noah has it.


And when someone has it, it almost doesn’t matter what’s being communicated out loud. Because the real communication is a bass note, almost inaudible, below the words, and more impactful than the words could ever hope to be.


Cherished listeners: Noah Rasheta.


Show Links:


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @10khshow

Guest References:


About our sponsor:

10,000 Heroes is brought to you by Momentum Lab. 


I normally refer to Momentum Lab as a coaching program or a goal accelerator.


But you could also call it a Master's degree in life.


When you join Momentum Lab, you get crystal clear on what it is you actually want. Who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to contribute.


And then we get into all the painful details of what has been blocking you this whole time. 


Once that’s all in the clear, we can give you the knowledge, tools and support to actualize your vision. 


Sometimes that's a spreadsheet. Sometimes it's a mindset hack. Sometimes it's a lecture and sometimes it's a hug.


Our only attachment is to your higher self.


So when you're ready to be the next version of yourself and your business for your family, or just for your own sense of fulfillment, drop me a line ;)


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