For historian Nico Slate, heroism is the process of “consistently and courageously struggling to live up to one’s values”. Nico gives us a historical perspective on heroism that applies to every single one of us.


We also touch on:

The role of his older brother in shaping his notion of heroism,

How to acknowledge our imperfections without seeing them as an obstacle,

How our understanding of history shapes our relationship with ourselves,

The balance between being our best selves while constantly evolving,

What inspires us about the life of Mahatma Gandhi, and

Navigating the benefits of discipline vs. eating a lot of mangos.


Nico also shares 3 of his powerful daily practices:

Awareness of mortality (“I’m going to day”) Gratitude (“I’m incredibly lucky”) Impermanence (“Tomorrow is a new day”)


Finally, we investigate what we need to actually believe in ourselves and our own ability to change.



Nico’s personal website:

Professor Slate’s book on Gandhi’s Diet:

Nico’s favorite (“[it] speaks to me of love, trust, and wonder.”) short film clip to watch these days: