In Job 35-37, Elihu continues to address Job, emphasizing God's greatness and justice beyond human understanding. He argues that God's actions are not influenced by human deeds, illustrating with examples of God's power in nature, such as rain and thunderstorms, to highlight the divine wisdom and authority that surpass human judgment. Elihu's speeches culminate in a portrayal of God's majesty, urging Job to consider God's wonders. Amidst the storm, will Job find the answers to his suffering, or will the mysteries of God's ways remain beyond reach?

In Matthew 24:1-31, Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and the signs of the end times, including false prophets, wars, natural disasters, and persecution of believers. He emphasizes the need for readiness, as these events will precede his return, which will be unmistakable like lightning across the sky. As Jesus describes the gathering of the elect from the four winds, one wonders, how will believers discern the truth amidst deception and turmoil, and will they be prepared for the Son of Man's return?

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Job 35-37

Matthew 24: 1-31

Proverbs 4: 1-9