In Job 33-34, Elihu, a younger bystander in Job's trials, steps forward, challenging both Job's righteousness and his friends' wisdom. He asserts that God speaks in various ways, including through pain, to prevent man from falling into sin and to preserve his life. "Will Job recognize God's discipline and respond to His mysterious ways?"

In Matthew 23:1-39, Jesus openly criticizes the Pharisees and teachers of the law for their hypocrisy. He condemns their practices of imposing heavy burdens on others while not lifting a finger to help, seeking honor for themselves, and focusing on minor details while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem, lamenting its history of rejecting prophets and those sent to her, expressing a desire to gather its children as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. "Will the Pharisees heed Jesus' warning and change their ways, or will they continue in their hypocrisy?"

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Job 33-34

Matthew 23:1-39

Psalm 18: 25-36