Confidence Hack #75: Students read books they are interested in.

Do you remember reading George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ in 6th grade and having no clue what it was about, literally checking out after hearing the pig talks? I have nothing against Orwell; he’s one of my favorite authors of all time, and he’s brilliant. But in sixth grade?? Come on, school systems.

Finland has scored as the top education system throughout the 2000s. Why is this?

A multitude of reasons ranging from:

Students stay with the same teacher for multiple years Outside activities are mandatory  No standardized testing  Cooperation with, not competition against  Fewer hours of the day actually ‘in school’

Among many others, the most telling reason is allowing students to read books they are interested in. It’s like anything: if you force someone to do something they don’t enjoy or understand, there will be no benefit.

Today, the confidence boost comes from embracing reading what you enjoy! It doesn’t have to be the headiest novel written in 10th-century English, and please, parents and teachers, don’t force kids to read something they despise and can’t comprehend. Read for enjoyment, and the increased fun of learning will follow!

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