Confidence Hack #88: Here’s why tipping 21% can change your life...

Let me know if you have felt this before—you walk into a bakery and purchase a donut. It’s not a significant action, and there’s not much labor on the part of the donut provider. It’s simple. Now, you go to swipe your credit card, and the options read to read a tip: 20%, 25%, or more.

It’s a scam. 

Maybe. By the credit card provider or the transaction company, probably so. But not by the donut provider.

In a 2023 survey done by Bankrate, 66% of Americans admitted to having a negative view of tipping. Because they don’t want to part with the money?

I don’t think so.

The average tip is 20%. 44% of Americans who were surveyed who dine at sit-down restaurants tip 20%. 

Now, let’s assume the waiter or waitress does a fantastic job. Tip them 21%.

Here’s why: It will boost their confidence that they are doing a great job and make them feel more valued and worthy. 

It will also boost your confidence. The power of giving in a more significant amount than one would typically give has been shown to boost self-esteem and confidence. 

Double win: it also boosts your confidence that you are not beholden to money as your controller.

It might feel a little uncomfortable at first to give above and beyond, even just 1%. But that 1% can be the difference between your confidence and the confidence of the server beyond that meal they are serving to you that evening.

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