Confidence Hack #87: You have a choice to make—you can either be a bystander or an upstander.

Recent studies have shown that 46% of kids aged 12-18 have experienced bullying. 31% of adults have felt bullied in their adult life. An upstander is someone who stands up for others when they are witnessing them being bullied.

If you are being bullied or know of someone who is, the first step is to create your team of Avengers. And don’t wait to see if the bullying stops on its own. Once the power control is given up, it’s hard to regain it, and it usually only worsens.

I’m not saying you have to fight crime in Gotham like Batman, but if you see someone yelling at the clerk behind the grocery checkout just because they have had a bad day and need to take it out on someone, stand up for them.

You don’t have to seek out fighting bullies but stand up when they come into your life. Today’s confidence boost comes from finding your Avengers team to take on the bigger bullies and taking a stance for the small bullying you see happening to others daily.

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