Confidence Hack #64: Steve Jobs’s success cannot be defined without his failures.

In 1985, Apple produced two supposedly revolutionary products - the Lisa and the MacIntosh. Sales didn’t scratch the floor of Apple’s expectations for the products. Someone had to go. CEO Steve Jobs was the one headed to the guillotine.

Jobs didn’t lick his wounds in a pity party for himself. He used what he knew he had, a skill set to ideate and innovate. He created the company NeXT. Eleven years after its inception, Jobs sold NeXT to none other than, you guessed it, Apple for $429 million.

You will never hit 100% of the shots you take. Probably not even 50%, to be completely honest, and that’s okay!

Gain confidence today, knowing every successful person you admire has experienced a massive flop. You are the Phoenix. Gain energy and power through the flop and rise again, even higher and greater than before!

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