Confidence Hack #63: If someone tells you they love their job 100% of the time, they are probably lying.

Here’s the truth, its ok not to love your job 100% of the time.But what if you don’t love your job even 10% of the time? That is where today’s confidence hack comes in to play!

Here is the point blank truth - you and only you are the one who decides how much joy you squeeze out of the lemon daily. Case and Point: Erik Spoelstra. Started as an intern for the Miami Heat. The lowest of the low. His job was to do whatever anyone asked of him - coffee runs, print papers, cut up game film. And his answer was always the same: ‘No problem, ‘he said with a smile on his face. It’s all in how you perceive your current situation.

The confidence boost today comes through knowing that no matter if you despise your job, you can find joy in it! In the example, it is for your kids and knowing that the best is yet to come!

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