Confidence Hack #27: The reason the mayor painted Tirana, Alania, with color and why it has such a PROFOUND effect on our confidence.

Edi Rama was not a normal mayor. Standing 6’ 8”, a painter by trade and former basketball player, Edi didn’t come into the job to be a conventional mayor. When he was elected, he knew he had to make bold changes.

So that’s what he did. He gathered a group of painting buddies and began painting the city bright and vibrant colors! And this changed the town completely! The simple addition of color made the city more enjoyable and happier, sparking new life into a town that had felt cold for so long.

Today’s episode demonstrates how we can gain confidence through color. As you listen, grab that colorful shirt, pick out those funny-colored socks, and change your life and the people around you!

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