Confidence Hack #38: Nothing beats that feeling you get from a pair of brand-new shoes...

A smile engulfed the child’s face, an emotion that had appeared foreign to the poverty-stricken kids of Argentina. Yet, there it was. A smile that stopped time in its tracks and changed more than just the young boy’s life. It also changed the life of Blake Mycoskie.

Have you ever wondered why women have a closet full of shoes or why men collect every style of Air Jordan ever made?

Shoes aren’t just something to throw on your feet to get you from point A to point B. No, they are an expression of who you are on the outside and the inside. The outside of a shoe can tell you what the person is trying to portray, but the inside can tell you how the person is feeling. Studies show that wearing a shoe you feel comfortable in boosts self-esteem and self-confidence. It allows the wearer to feel like they are made for the shoe.

Gain confidence today from that pair of shoes that fit you perfectly, and show your true confident self to the world!

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