Confidence Hack #9: The confidence gained in emulating your favorite movie character, like Mr. Bond...

Who comes to mind when you think of a confident movie character? For me, it's gotta be James Bond—the epitome of cool, calm, and collected.

Even though James Bond is a fictional character, there are many lessons we can learn from him. We can implement his calmness under pressure.

Remaining calm under pressure when life is in constant flux is the apex of control. You can focus on what is right in front of you while bombs are blowing up to your left and right.

One trick some of the most badass men on earth use, the Navy Seals, is called Box Breathing. I go over a little tutorial on box breathing in this episode. You can use it to remain calm as you execute your mission.

Gain confidence today, knowing that you can be just like 007.

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