Confidence Hack #8: confidence through receiving encouragement, just like Maya Angelou and her relationship with Mrs. Flowers and her singing cage birds...

What can spark life and also signal death? It’s the tongue. Who was the person in your life who spoke true words of encouragement over you? Who was the person who spoke death over you and squashed those dreams you were hoping to achieve?

Maya Angelou. One of the most incredible poets, activists, and writers in American history. A name nearly everybody would recognize. But a name most would not recognize is Bertha Flowers. Bertha was Maya’s neighbor who took a genuine interest in Maya after a harrowing situation in Maya’s childhood.

Bertha would speak those true, unwavering words of encouragement that would propel Maya Angelou to do all of the extraordinary things she would go on to accomplish.

Today, think about those who have spoken those words of encouragement to you. Think about the people who have your back and believe you can achieve anything. Let go of those words of death, and let them fall away as nothing but superficial ramblings of those who seek to do you harm. Gain confidence in the encouragement you have been given because YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

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