In Episode 40 of the Podcast, I talk with Micheál O’Mathúna.

Micheál is a Journalist, Facilitator, Coach and is also the founder of The Health Zone, an organisation set up to empower and educate people to be healthier, happier and more authentic in their lives. He conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing.

One of Micheál’s missions is to inspire, empower and educate people on all matters of health and wellbeing. He has a commitment and a passion for a healthy world. His mission is to build community and to inspire conscious awareness, positive change, and transformation in people’s lives. A significant part of this purpose is to create meaningful connections among people and empower them to live a life of health, happiness, authenticity and realise their full potential. 

During our conversation, we focus in on a number of topics that are of great interest to Micheál and he shares openly his own personal journey over the years and the learnings he's taken from each experience along the way. There is a focus on health (both physical and mental), how to discover your authentic self, and many more interesting pieces.

Some of these include:
•Starting out his show on UCC Radio over 3 years ago and then setting up his own radio show/podcast
•Early Memories & interests in psychology and health in his teenage years and being fascinated about how people ticked
•Working in Construction and Sales and being “Successful” but always sensing that something was missing, not being happy or fulfilled yet ignoring to address it
•Using the Artist Way & the Morning Pages – a way to listen to your inner and authentic voice
•Spending 6 months in India training as a Yoga Teacher and meditation
•Learning to be true to his inner voice and connecting with his heart
•Returning to Ireland and completing a Masters in Journalism allowing him to develop skills in media
•The Benefits of a 10 day Silent Meditation realising all unhappiness is the result of comparisons
•Working out our problems in our body instead of in our heads
•Finding contentment & happiness in his work now through delivering courses, writing, and running events
•Standout Guests from his interviews so far and learnings from each one – Sri Mooji and Marianne Williamson -
•Themes coming up from the guests interviewed around authenticity and being true to yourself
•Core Values: Time to reflect on where you spend your time and connecting this to your core values
•Stress Management and connecting authenticity with stress management
•Fear of not realising full potential and not being true to yourself
•Consciousness and Awareness being key to allowing change to happen!
•The Morning Pages Process and staying with the process and practice
•Writing a book, the process and learnings on this to-date
•Morning Routines with Morning Pages, Yoga, Meditation
•Habits – Changing a habit to spend less time on social media
•Finding a flow state and being present
•Questions on Advice, Mentors, Influences, Decision Making and Success
•Preparation and Practice for a TedTalk given earlier this year in Cork

Full show notes and how to connect with Micheál are on the Episode page on the site -

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