Brock Lewin is the found of very successful Coffee Roasting Business Badger & Dodo. Since his first shot of coffee in 1993, he’s been involved one or another in this business.

He set up Badger & Dodo in July 2008 in his in-law’s farm in Fermoy, Co. Cork and since then he’s been building up the business and brand across Ireland and beyond.

I’ve been very interested in the coffee explosion in Ireland over the last few years so was really looking forward to chatting with Brock about his learnings and experience in this world and having the chance to deep dive into Coffee, Business, Entrepreneurship, lessons learned, and lots more that might make for interesting listening.

Just whet your appetite, some of the topics we dive into include:

•The history of coffee in Australia from post-world war 2 Italians bring it in!
•Coffee evolving over the 50 years up to the 1990s
•A flat white, a short white, and more!
•1st, 2nd and 3rd wave coffee
•Learning the roasting process
•Taking the leap of faith and setting up a coffee roastery in recession hit Ireland
•Brock’s Beans as an early brand identity
•The Badger and Dodo Brand
•The Coffee Tree image being used in the coffee world
•Marketing and Advertising
•Route to Market via Farmers Markets
•Quote - Luck is when preparation meets opportunity
•Quote – Good coffee being recession proof
•Refreshing the Brand!
•Cupping world champion and how to train the pallet
•Business Planning
•Why coffee is exploding in Ireland?
•Big breaks in early days of the business
•Leadership Style
•Graphic Design
•Strategy & Planning – rolling on a yearly basis plans
•The importance of business coaching
•Delegation – bring in people you can trust!
•Knowing what type of business you’re running – keeping it at a certain level
•Know where your limits are!
•Expanding the business to the USA – the amount of US tourists that buy it here and then keep buying it when they get home!
•Mistakes made and missed opportunities – not setting up a coffee shop in Cork when the opportunity was there in the early years – not playing to the home market!
•Brock and his own coffee drinking habits – Less is more!
•Advice for start-ups
•Work life balance
•What would Brock be doing if not for Coffee?
•Keeping Motivated – The essential need to travel aboard!
•Freedom & Trust at the core!

How to get in touch?
Website –
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Twitter -

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