In this Episode, I interview Andrew Montague.

Andrew is an Irish Labour Party politician and member of Dublin City Council. He is a former Lord Mayor of Dublin. He proposed the Dublin Bike Scheme in 2004 which was launched in 2009 and credited as one of the most successful public bike schemes in Europe.
During our hour+ long conversation, I learn a lot about what drives and motivates Andrew Andrew is the first politician on the show and it was a great treat to talk with him. You will very clearly see how much of a genuine, humble and warm guy Andrew is and I’m sure you’ll enjoy his story. What really struck me from the conversation was the real palpable reward that Andrew gets from his work in politics as he’s working on issues that are facing all of us. Andrew talks about launching his campaign to run in the next general election in October and discusses the official launch and working toward this goals and objectives with Social Welfare, Crime, Housing just to name three.

Some of the topics we covered were:
•Andrew growing up and having a huge interest in the News. With both his parent from Ulster, Andrew developed a keen interest in the Northern Ireland Troubles and talks about his interest in in the SDLP in those days with the likes of Austin Curry and John Hume at the forefront.
•Specifically getting into Politics with his brother in the 80s. But didn’t join the party until 2002 realising it was time to get involved.
•Talking to people canvassing and being willing to listen to the public. Successful Politicians have the listening skill.
•In 2004, Andrew was successful in his first campaign.
•Submitted the idea of the Dublin Bike Scheme in 2004 and this became his major focus in the coming years. Learning from the successful schemes in Copenhagen and other European Cities. Overcoming oppositions from other parties in the early stages. Andrew learned a lot from this. Winning battles during this period helped gained credibility.
•Reflecting back on the importance of having a champion/mentor in politics in the early stages of his career.
•Using & Developing Influencing & Negotiating skills to get things done!
•Passion for reading, learning, identification of solutions to problems in housing and crime. Being always on the look-out to tackle problems.
•Feeling like an Entrepreneur taking ideas and running with them.
•The Lord Mayor of Dublin Appointment and the Experience and Learning during the year that Andrew was Lord Mayor. It was an amazing experience but it’s 24x7 for the Year.
•What a typical day in the life looks like in Andrew’s current role.
•Dealing with Frustrations in the role but having patience and focus is key.
•We then get into some of the regularly 1% Better Questions on:
oCore Values.
oChanging Behaviors.
oTime Management & Productivity – Approaches.
oListening to Podcast but also giving the brain time to be free of distractions.
oImportance of Exercise and Fitness to keep a healthy mind and body.
oSpeaking & Presentations – Preparation, Practice, and Delivery.
oFlow & Being in the moment for Andrew
oAdvice that stands out during the career
oSuccess and Andrews view of this and how it ties into work-life balance
oInterest in Weight-lifting and how Andrew started into this area citing the health and mental benefits.

•Book Recommendations:
oBook – Tom Gash – Criminals: The Truth about why people do Bad Things
oCal Newport – Deep Work
oThe Happiness Advantage – Shaun Achor

Connect with Andrew. Andrew is active on Twitter – you can follow him on @MayorMontague
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