11 years ago, on June 6, 2011, Sgt. Joseph M. Garrison made the ultimate sacrifice. On that day, he saved the lives of his Marines by taking charge as he always did to inspect metallic hits on IEDs. I am honored and privileged to have lived, fought, and learned at Joe's side. So, in keeping tradition with his legacy, I asked Carmen Medina and Dr. Mossbridge if they could take some time out of their schedule to sit with Tyler and me to discuss their life experiences. And the current mental health battle within the operations and the Veteran community. Long has the suicide epidemic cast its shadow over our lives and too long has it decreased our ranks. Hermanos, y Hermanas don't lose faith.

Episode 35: In this episode, Tyler and Jose sit down with Carmen Medina and Dr. Mossbridge to discuss mental health, leadership, unconditional love, and the complex overlays that tether a life together. To skip introduction go to Min:1:58

Carmen Medina is a former CIA Deputy Director of Intelligence. A 32-year veteran of the Intelligence Community, she is also the author of Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within.

You can find Carmen's work at the following sites.
Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within

Dr. Mossbridge is the executive director of The Institute for Love and Time (TILT), a fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and an associated professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research focuses on how time works, how events in time are perceived by our unconscious and conscious minds, and the power of unconditional love to positively influence human lives.

You can find Dr. Mossbridge's work at the following sites.