Episode 84

Kate Lyn, founder and Executive Director of Sound Sense, joins me today to discuss using the past as a lesson, letting it go, and trusting the gift from this experience to move forward.

Kate and I discuss different perspectives of using your past and how, based on how you approach your past, in both cases you can grow and trust who you are, the choices you make, the direction you are heading. She now works with others to connect with themselves ones again and trust that they are on the right path in their lives.

“I really look at trust as something that I remind myself I've earned because of my past experiences. Not that I have to wallow in them…but just that those experiences make it so that I can trust a lot of things in my world now, in ways that I couldn't [before] because I learned to trust.”

“ I think that [not being vulnerable] is something that comes up, but in looking at that with a client, what I would look at is, again from my perspective, that it's about trusting yourself first.”

Kate began her practice due to a passion for finding available services and solutions for her daughter, who she wanted evaluated for possible Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). There was nothing locally for her to turn to.  In April of 2018, Kate decided to start Sound Sense, a Facebook group devoted to low-gain amplification and other technological treatments for Auditory Processing Disorder. 

Since then, Kate has helped countless children, adults, and parents navigate the process of living with auditory disorders. This experience honed her skills and uncovered her passion for helping others live the best life they can each and every day. Her superpower is inspiring and empowering others to shine by defining themselves and their businesses.

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-lynn-19861220a/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kate.lynn.3139241

Website: https://www.kate-lynn.com/