Come and Take It Podcast Episodes featuring Lance Armstrong

Society & Culture Health & Fitness Philosophy Sports Arts lifestyle business health interview entrepreneurship

Come and Take It artwork

Lance Armstrong

Come and Take It - April 04, 2016 05:00 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 143 ratings
Once a sports sensation who put competitive cycling on the map of American culture, Lance Armstrong would eventually be known as the man who perpetrated one of the biggest doping scandals in athletic history. For better or worse, it was a sad end to the story of Texas' greatest cyclist.

Books written by Lance Armstrong

Every Second Counts
Lance Armstrong, Sally Jenkins

17 Episodes - 246 pages - ★★★★ - 270 ratings

It's Not about the Bike: My Journey Back to Life
Lance Armstrong, Sally Jenkins

294 pages - ★★★★ - 34.6K ratings