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anything goes with emma chamberlain

402 episodes - English - Latest episode: 1 day ago - ★★★★★ - 30.4K ratings

emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

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“romanticizing” your life

June 15, 2023 07:01 - 30 minutes

to romanticize is by definition to deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; to make something seem better or more appealing than it really is. today we're talking about making a deliberate, conscious choice to romanticize life. romanticizing life became sort of a social media trend about turning mundane daily moments into magical moments. i think a lot of us feel really disconnected from the simple pleasures of life due to the sort of fast-paced, highly technological real...

underrated fashion trends [video]

June 11, 2023 07:01 - 59 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i'm going to be discussing some fashion trends that i believe are underrated. it's not that these fashion trends never get worn and never get discussed, but in my opinion, they don't get enough airtime. so today i'm going to sit here and give them the airtime that they deserve. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

a talk with mac demarco [video]

June 08, 2023 07:01 - 41 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i have a very special guest. someone who actually shifted my music taste in a big way. today we have mac demarco. when i was like 15 i found his music on vine, and i've been such a big fan ever since. i think what's so special about mac’s music is the way it always sounds like him. whether it's kind of funky, deep and sentimental, or just an instrumental, it always feels like him. his last album having almost 200 songs and being like nine hours long is so in...

are you living for you? [video]

June 04, 2023 07:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] there have been many times in my life where i've found myself feeling really unhappy and not knowing what the issue was. and i've often realized that in those moments, i was feeling unhappy because i was not living life for me. i was living life for everyone and everything else. i wasn't listening to my own opinions. i wasn't making decisions for me. and what's really interesting about falling into a phase like this is that you don't always notice it. it happens s...

disliking people

June 01, 2023 07:01 - 39 minutes

when i think about it, i actually dislike a lot of people. i wouldn't say i hate a lot of people, but i definitely dislike a lot of people. now, to me, there's a big difference between dislike and hate. for the sake of today's conversation, let's look at dislike as a subtle feeling that can be much more easily controlled. i've found myself wondering recently if i'm the problem. is it wrong to dislike people? i never act upon my dislike. i never treat people that i don't like badly. i keep mos...

outfit repeating [video]

May 28, 2023 07:01 - 36 minutes

[video available on Spotify] i think all of us can look at the concept of outfit repeating and say, why is this even a topic of conversation? but what's wild to me is how common it is for people to be concerned about repeating the same outfit more than once. not only have i experienced this pressure to not repeat outfits, but i've also seen it in the world. when you go through any influencer's page on instagram, you will probably not see them wear the same thing twice. and then there are lots...

the ethics of facetune [video]

May 25, 2023 07:01 - 41 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i want to discuss the ethics of photo editing on social media. i'm not talking about upping the brightness or turning down the contrast on the photo a little bit. i'm talking about going in and changing the image completely. smoothing out your skin, making your waist a little smaller or your jaw line a little sharper. you used to have to know how to use professional photo editing software like photoshop to edit photos, and it wasn’t easy. but photo editing a...

living in fear [video]

May 21, 2023 07:01 - 56 minutes

[video available on Spotify] i recently found myself in an unusual state of terror and fear. i've always been very afraid of bad things happening to my loved ones. but weirdly, i've never really been that afraid of bad things happening to me. in retrospect, i look at the things that i used to do when i was a teenager that were sort of careless, and it's hard for me to even comprehend now. i felt like nothing bad would happen to me. but recently, i have completely gone the opposite direction, ...

the age of indulgence, a talk with dr. lembke [video]

May 18, 2023 07:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] today i'm doing my very first interview. we're getting into serious podcast territory. i'm bringing dr. lembke on the show today because i've been obsessed with the sneaky addictions of our modern day. you know, the addictions that our grandparents and parents are warning us about: social media, food delivery, porn, gaming… all of the addictions that we're sort of in denial of. she describes the time that we're living in now as the age of indulgence, and i've neve...

i tried a dopamine “detox”

May 14, 2023 07:01 - 52 minutes

about a week ago, i had the realization that i had fallen into some bad habits. i'd been scrolling on social media a little bit too much, online shopping a little bit too much, ordering food delivery a little bit too much, and more. my brain felt cloudy. i felt anxious. i felt kind of depressed. i didn't feel as creative or as focused as i knew i could be. and i really make an effort in my life to have a healthy balance with modern convenience and entertainment, because i know how addictive t...

minimalism (part 3: fashion)

May 11, 2023 07:01 - 36 minutes

today we're going to be discussing minimalism in fashion. fast fashion is the business model of replicating recent high fashion design trends, mass producing them at low cost, and bringing them to retail stores quickly while demand is at its highest. trend cycles are insanely fast nowadays, and fast fashion is thriving because a lot of people want to participate in the trends as they happen. but i think a lot of people are sick of this. number one, it's exhausting and expensive to keep up wit...

minimalism (part 2: travel)

May 07, 2023 07:01 - 41 minutes

last summer, my dad and i spent a month in europe. and before we left for our trip, my dad said, i challenge you to fit everything you need for a month in europe in a carry-on suitcase. at first i was like, there's no way. some people would call me an over packer. but even when i over-pack, i still end up wearing the same outfit the entire trip and half of my suitcase remains untouched. so last summer when my dad said, i dare you to fit everything into a carry-on suitcase, i was unsure becaus...

minimalism (part 1: lifestyle)

May 04, 2023 07:01 - 45 minutes

over the past few years, we've experienced a lot of maximalism across the board. it's been a major lifestyle trend. it's been a major fashion trend. it's been a present theme over the past few years. but i feel like its trendiness might be coming to a temporary end. maybe it's just me, but i've been feeling this collective fatigue. we're sick of it, we're tired of it, we're ready to go back to minimalism. and so i present to you part one of a three part series on minimalism. today in part one...

lower your expectations about people [video]

April 30, 2023 07:01 - 46 minutes

[video available on Spotify] we often find ourselves disappointed with other people. there are times when we set realistic expectations for people, such as expecting somebody to treat you with respect, or to follow the law and not steal from you or harm you. those are realistic, normal, healthy expectations to have. but there are times when we become disappointed in people because they didn't meet our expectations. but we have to ask ourselves, did we set the expectation too high? today i wan...

is marriage outdated? [video]

April 27, 2023 07:01 - 57 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i'm going to be talking about a topic that is not a hot topic: marriage. when my parents were growing up, marriage was this sort of fundamental part of being a human. and recent statistics are showing that millennials and gen z are apparently not loving the idea of getting married. when i was younger i really didn't know if i wanted to get married and have kids. part of it could have been that my parents were divorced. but I think a big part of why i had tha...

coachella fashion analysis [video]

April 23, 2023 07:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] guess who just got back from coachella? me. if you don't know what coachella is, it’s one of the biggest music festivals in America, where the biggest musicians perform all in one place. there are celebrities everywhere, all doing things that warrant headlines. it's just one of those things that i refuse to miss every year. but today i specifically want to talk about coachella fashion because although music is the number one priority, fashion is a close second. it...

is it narcissistic to post photos of yourself? [video]

April 20, 2023 07:01 - 34 minutes

[video available on Spotify] recently, i've felt weird posting pictures of myself on instagram, and i've never felt this feeling before. posting photos of ourselves online is a part of being human at this point. it's so incredibly normal. i think most of us aren't even questioning why we do it. and up until recently, i didn't question it either. but the last few times I've gone to post a photo of myself on instagram, i've felt like a narcissist, and it scared me a little bit. i've been findin...

why do famous people choose to stay famous? [video]

April 16, 2023 07:01 - 47 minutes

[video available on Spotify] why do celebrities choose to stay famous? on the surface level, this question seems easy to answer because most of us look at fame as a dream come true. we see fortune, power, attention, praise. we see all of the positives. but yet, right in front of our eyes, we witness the way that fame ruins people's lives. it's safe to say that fame is much more complicated than we think it is on the surface level. as much as there are incredible elements of being famous that ...

the fear of missing out [video]

April 13, 2023 07:01 - 46 minutes

[video available on Spotify] i had fomo recently. what is fomo? fomo is the fear of missing out. it's probably not an unfamiliar feeling to you as i assume most people feel fomo at least once in their life. the more expanded definition of fomo is anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media. i thought that i was done experiencing fomo. i thought i grew out of fomo. i thought i had evolved past the point of expe...

karma [video]

April 09, 2023 07:01 - 44 minutes

[video available on Spotify] ever since i discovered the concept of karma, i’ve been obsessed with it. i learned it through my community. it might have been my parents, it might have been my friends, it might have been my teachers, i don't remember. but the moral of the story is ever since i've discovered karma, i have been obsessed with the concept. i’ve been living with karma in mind for pretty much as long as I can remember, and it's been a fundamental rule in my life. but as i'm getting o...

it feels like everyone has a podcast these days [video]

April 06, 2023 07:01 - 44 minutes

[video available on Spotify] have you been thinking to yourself, everybody has a podcast these days? i think a lot of people are feeling that way. over the past few years, podcasting has become a real thing. when I was younger, the only podcasts i knew of were ones that were for adults that my parents were listening to. they were all very corporate in the sense that they weren't just individuals turning on a microphone and making a podcast kind of indie style. i don't remember podcasting bein...

the obsession with having an "aesthetic” [video]

April 02, 2023 07:01 - 46 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i’m going to be talking about something that i'm obsessed with. in 2023, our identities as human beings are not just confined to our physical being. our identities are now a combination of our online presence and our physical presence. prior to the internet, if you weren't a celebrity, your entire identity was judged based on your physical presence. at this point in time, your online identity and your physical presence equally, in my opinion, shape the way t...

character assassination

March 30, 2023 07:01 - 58 minutes

i've had character assassination on my list of topics for weeks now, because it didn't feel particularly relevant to my life. but the topic became incredibly relevant to my personal life recently, so here we are. character assassination is the malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation. i think it can come in two main forms. number one, a completely fabricated story that doesn't have an ounce of truth in it, that's created simply to harm someone's reputation. and then the...

how i deal with dissociating and anxiety [video]

March 26, 2023 07:01 - 44 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i wanted to talk about something super fun, super lighthearted, super hashtag good vibes. that's just the mood I'm in today. so today i wanted to talk about my anxiety. yayyyyyyy. i wanted to talk about it because it's one of the most challenging things i deal with on a daily basis. i’ve struggled with a lot of different mental health struggles. anxiety is definitely not the only one. but i would say anxiety has been the most challenging overall, and it just...

the mental health conversation on the internet [video]

March 23, 2023 07:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] i’ve been talking openly about my mental health on the internet for years now. i think it’s just who i am by nature. i’ve never had much of an issue talking about my struggles, and i think the conversation about mental health is an incredible thing. but the fact that i’m involved in the conversation online about mental health has made me hyper aware of the conversation itself, and has caused me to analyze it as a whole. what are people saying online in regards to ...

my daily routine, explained [video]

March 19, 2023 07:01 - 50 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i wanted to walk you through my daily routine. i’m talking about from the second i wake up, to the second i go to sleep. i want to explain why i do the things i do, why i find them beneficial, and just get into the nitty gritty of my daily routine. because i feel like i have a really solid daily routine at this point. so i wanted to dig into it. talk about it, analyze it, discuss it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

social life, success, and sleep [video]

March 16, 2023 04:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] when i was in high school i was scrolling through instagram, and i stumbled upon a graphic of a triangle. at the end of each tip of the triangle there was a priority - sleep, success in work/school, and social life. on the bottom of the screen it said choose two. the concept was that you can’t prioritize everything in your life at the same time. for years of my life i’ve sort of lived with this instagram graphic in the back of my head. i’ve constantly reminded mys...

trendy or timeless #3 [video]

March 12, 2023 08:01 - 47 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today we’re going to be doing another episode of trendy or timeless. this is when i look at fashion trends that are hot right now and discuss whether i think they’re trendy or timeless, and just what i think of them overall. so let’s get right into it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

we know nothing [video]

March 09, 2023 08:01 - 53 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today we’re going to be talking about how we don’t know shiiittttt. listen, it’s very easy to fall into a cycle where you believe that you know everything: that you’re right, that you have shit figured out, and that everyone else who disagrees with you is a dummy. now, i know not everybody’s like this. you may not be like this. but at the very least, you definitely know someone like this… a know-it-all. but a discovery i’ve made in my adult life is that it’s such ...

weird stuff i've bought recently [video]

March 05, 2023 08:01 - 41 minutes

[video available on Spotify] today i'm going to be talking about some of the unnecessary things i've bought recently, and whether or not i think they’re worth the money. these are things that aren't necessary but are extremely helpful. that’s like my shopping kryptonite. if something is not necessary but extremely helpful, unfortunately i have to have it. i’m not proud of it necessarily, but i'm going to share some of my discoveries with you. not all of these things were hits, okay, some of t...

is creativity dead? [video]

March 02, 2023 08:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] i’ve been asking myself for a long time, have all creative things been done before? has every piece of clothing been created? has every movie been made? has every song been written? humans have been expressing themselves creatively for thousands of years and part of me is starting to wonder if we’ve hit our limit. have we created everything that’s possible to be created? i know for a fact there are incredible creatives today, but as a whole, it seems like a lot of...

my hair fell out [video]

February 26, 2023 08:01 - 46 minutes

[video available on Spotify] i have a horror story for you. an absolute horror story. it has to do with my hair. so let’s just get into it, let’s waste no time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

do we need religion? [video]

February 23, 2023 08:01 - 1 hour

[video available on Spotify] today i want to talk about religion. what a fun topic. i’ve been thinking about religion a lot recently, not on a personal level, but on a societal level. i want to start by saying i have no bias. i have my own spiritual beliefs that keep me afloat, but i’m not married to a religion. i also have to mention that this conversation is based on my corner of the internet, my corner of the world, and what i’m seeing. depending on where you live or what communities you’r...

analyzing couple behavior

February 16, 2023 08:01 - 58 minutes

you know what i love to do? analyze people. and you know what my favorite dynamic to analyze is? romantic relationships. i think it’s because romantic relationships are possibly the most vulnerable relationship. they bring out every side of a person. they show every weakness, every strength, every flaw… they show traits of a person that might otherwise just sit underneath the surface. so today i wanted to discuss some behaviors that i’ve observed in other peoples relationships, and maybe even...

past, present, future

February 09, 2023 08:01 - 54 minutes

today i wanted to talk about how we view the past, the present, and the future. i’ve had healthy and unhealthy relationships with these three time periods throughout my life, and i can almost guarantee that you have too. it’s easy to become obsessed with the past, or the present, or the future in a way that’s imbalanced. so today i wanted to talk about what i think are healthy perceptions of these time periods, and what might be unhealthy. let’s get into it. Learn more about your ad choices. ...

realistic habits

February 02, 2023 08:01 - 56 minutes

don’t you just love it when you’re scrolling through social media, and you stumble upon a little video of somebody showing their daily routine? they wake up at 5AM, roll out of their crisp white sheets, take a shower, do a 40 step skincare routine and give themselves a full blowout so that their hair is perfect and wavy and gorgeous... you get what i’m saying. we all talk about how social media is not real life these days, but even i get swept up into the world of the internet sometimes. i wa...

anything goes comes to spotify - trailer

January 26, 2023 14:50 - 3 minutes

starting thursday, february 23rd, emma chamberlain's podcast anything goes will be exclusive on spotify. it's the same podcast you know and love, but with the occasional addition of extras - including guests and video episodes. stay tuned, because anything goes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

the rules we learned as kids... are BS?

January 26, 2023 08:01 - 55 minutes

remember when you were a child and constantly had adults telling you what the rules were? don’t lie, don’t steal... don’t do this, don’t do that. when we’re children, we’re constantly being reminded of certain rules and principles that we’re supposed to follow no matter what. and i think that’s important! but i think in our late teens and early adulthood, we have to take it upon ourselves to find nuance in these rules. i’ve actually struggled in my life a little bit because i’ve felt this int...


January 19, 2023 08:01 - 46 minutes

today we’re going talk about nepotism. now, what is nepotism? in simple terms, nepotism is getting a job or an opportunity because you know somebody in a relevant position of power. right now, the internet has been discussing nepotism in the entertainment industry. “nepotism babies” is the term coined for people who are famous because their family has connections to the entertainment industry. i think the internet as a whole is alarmed and frightened by how much of the entertainment industry ...


January 12, 2023 08:10 - 39 minutes

today's episode might get a little dark, okay? but we're going to get through it together. today we're talking about mortality. because me, you, everyone you know...we're all going to die at some point. i feel like when i was little, i knew i would die someday, but my perspective was kind of one dimensional and kind of optimistic. i felt like i had so much time. like, the narrative when i was a child was, 'ugh, you have so much time!' i just never really thought about my own mortality. but i ...

2023 predictions 

January 05, 2023 05:01 - 53 minutes

happy 2023! here we go again. so today i want to talk about my 2023 predictions...what i think is going to happen this year. to be honest, i have no idea what i'm talking about, i have no evidence to back these predictions. so if you hear something and you're like, 'i don't think so' - you might be right. they're just predictions i've come up with, based on my own experiences and observations in life. some of them are predictions and some are more manifestations- like things that i want to ha...

my philosophy on copying

December 22, 2022 08:01 - 30 minutes

today we're going to talk about copying. the interesting thing about copying is...when people think about copying, most people think of it as a bad thing, but, in some instances, it can actually be an incredible thing. copying is definitely a complicated topic. so i wanted to talk about it today and discuss my philosophy on copying: when it's good, when it's bad, when it's useful, when it's evil, etc. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

is ignorance bliss? 

December 15, 2022 08:01 - 39 minutes

i would consider myself to be an observer of people-i'm constantly analyzing people and trying to understand what makes them tick. it helps me understand myself and the world better. something i've noticed about people is that they tend to fall into one of three categories: 1) people who are just aloof to the world around them and kind of clueless 2) people who are extremely aware of the world around them and very knowledgeable and 3) people who are somewhere in the middle. i've always wonder...

post it or it didn't happen?

December 08, 2022 08:01 - 45 minutes

recently i went to the harry styles concert in los angeles and it was amazing. the concert was incredible...but something did happen at this concert that was interesting. i was sitting kind of far up, so i could see the whole arena and when harry first came on, everybody took their phone out and started filming him...but then the phones never went down. this wave of phones just up in the air never stopped...and i started getting a weird feeling in my, 'wait, maybe this is weird/a...

does money buy happiness? 

December 01, 2022 08:01 - 42 minutes

today we're going to talk about the age-old question: does money buy happiness. now i know you might be thinking, 'okay, emma, you're talking about something that you've kind of experienced.' i mean, i'm no billionaire, but i have made money in a way that i didn't know was possible. however, i don't really relate to a lot of people with money, since i still live a pretty normal life: i do my own dishes, i go grocery shopping, i wipe my cats butts, you know, normal things...all that's to say, ...

dealing with difficult people 

November 24, 2022 08:01 - 48 minutes

we deal with difficult people every day...sometimes it's our family members, sometimes it's our friends, sometimes it's people at work or on the matter where you experience difficult people the most, you're definitely experiencing them. today i want to talk about how i deal with difficult people, how i prevent them from ruining my day and how i've gotten to a place where i feel kind of invincible when it comes to dealing with people, in general...i've gotten to a place where wha...


November 17, 2022 08:01 - 40 minutes

today i wanted to talk about something rated r...something for adults only. so if you're not an adult, turn this podcast off and go catch up with cocomelon or caillou. for the adults, we're talking about sex. the big s-e-x. yeah, i know. i want to talk about all the ways that i was lied to about sex. growing up my first impression of what sex was came from movies, music videos and books. obviously your parents give you "the talk," or school provides general sex ed, but that only tells you abo...

does living in la help your career? 

November 10, 2022 08:01 - 1 hour

i've been living in la for almost 5 years now. i grew up in northern california, and when i was 17 i moved to los angeles to pursue my career in the internet. i feel like now that i've been here for 5 years, i can really, finally discuss whether or not living in la actually helps your career. i really moved here just for my career- no other reason and i'm not the only one...a lot of people pursuing a career in entertainment move to has the reputation of being the place where people in...

seasonal depression 

November 03, 2022 07:01 - 57 minutes

it's starting to feel like fall and a little bit like winter where i live. over the last few weeks, i've really felt the shift: summer's over, it's gone. it's starting to get cold and dark and i'm feeling it, as i do every year. the fall/winter season challenges me mentally every year. every year, i'm convinced i'll be strong and not be affected by the changing of the season, but every year i get hit by a little bit of seasonal depression. this year it's hitting me medium hard. it's affecting...

i changed my mind

October 27, 2022 07:01 - 46 minutes

if you are a frequent listener of anything goes, you know i love talking about life, life philosophy, society as whole, etc... i like sharing my opinions, discussing those things broadly and openly. there's two things about that: 1) i don't know everything and 2) i'm 21 and i'm still learning a lot and so naturally, i'm not always going to get it right. sometimes i will get it right, but i'm not always going to get it right and i am open to that. so in today's episode, i'm going to address so...


Paula Pant
1 Episode