Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne artwork

Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne

564 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago - ★★★★★ - 5.3K ratings

Tired of starting your diet over every Monday and ending up at the drive-thru by Wednesday? Have you ever thought, "I know what to do I just don't know WHY I don't do it?"

If that's you then you need Corinne who lost 100lbs. She gets what it is like to be overweight and feel defeated. She did a complete mental and physical transformation and teaches you how to do the EXACT same thing.

In this podcast, we don’t focus on doing things that lead to yo-yo dieting, like counting calories, weight watchers, time-consuming workouts or extremely low-carb diets. Instead, you’ll learn practical tools that have helped 1000s of women lose weight from someone just like you telling you like it is each week. No sugar coating here!

For show notes, her free video weight loss course, blogs and more, visit Losing100Podcast.com. Corinne is changing the weight loss industry, cutting the crap diet advice and telling you exactly how to lose weight and keep it off.

To learn more about the show, visit Losing100Podcast.com.

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But It Tastes So Good...

July 08, 2022 07:00 - 58 minutes - 81.5 MB

How often do you hear yourself thinking... "Everything is so expensive, I can't afford to lose weight right now." or "This tastes so good, I can't stop eating." If this sounds like you - you don't want to miss this podcast.  First, I go off on a rant about how losing weight will actually SAVE you money. Yup - you heard that right. We blow that shit up right away.  Then, I teach you a mini-lesson from inside my membership about how to stop eating when "It Tastes So Good." You'll l...

The 4 Phases of Belief

July 01, 2022 07:00 - 42 minutes - 59.8 MB

Do you know what's normal? Having doubts and fears about your weightloss. But most of us use those doubts and fears to... Stop. Quit. Never even start. Until today. Because today's podcast is the 2nd installment in a 2-part series helping you build belief in yourself and weightloss. Last week I taught you the 3 things you must put your belief in (and it has nothing to do with your goal weight). Listen to Episode 273 if you haven't already. This week we're tackling the 4 phase...

Special Episode: My Advanced Weightloss Certification

June 30, 2022 19:51 - 29 minutes - 41.4 MB

Are you Life Coach School certified and ready to take your weightloss coaching to the pro level? If so, I want you to join me for the ONLY No BS Advanced Weightloss Certification happening this year. In this three month program, you’ll learn: My weightloss coaching system that has helped 1000’s of women lose weight, improve their body image, and create a No BS relationship with food. Advanced weightloss concepts so that you become a sought-after thought leader in the busted-ass diet ...

3 Things you MUST Believe to Lose Weight

June 24, 2022 07:00 - 41 minutes - 58.1 MB

I remember thinking at 250lbs, "I will never lose my weight." I WANTED to lose weight so bad. But I didn't think I could do it. Day after day, I thought: How hard it would be for me since my whole family struggled with weight. My genes were 'bad," so why bother. About all the diets I had failed. There's no way somebody with my track record could lose weight. So how could someone like me, who'd been overweight since the age of 9, had bad genetics, no idea how to cook, failed diet af...

The 3 Keys to Nailing Doable Hunger

June 17, 2022 07:00 - 9 minutes - 14.3 MB

You've taken my free course and know all about doable hunger but ... it didn't click like magic. I bet you're beating yourself up because you keep forgetting to ask yourself, 'am I hungry' before you head to the vending machine for your daily snickers at work. Maybe last night you got distracted by the dinner conversation. Before you know it, your plate was clean and you got pissed because you didn't ask yourself, 'have I had enough?' yet again. NEWS FLASH It's normal. You're not s...

I'm Broken (IVF + Weightloss)

June 10, 2022 07:00 - 41 minutes - 58 MB

I was a guest on the "So Now What" podcast by Lana Mankowski. She helps women who have a history of infertility and couldn't have a child. Why did she want to talk to me? She's a member of my No BS Weightloss program and joined to lose weight gained while going through IVF. She knew that the two of us could have a powerful conversation about the struggles these women feel with their weight, their body, and what's next for them. You know I have a child, but I understand what it's like...

What's a Weightloss Coach (and Avoiding Imposters)

June 03, 2022 07:00 - 44 minutes - 62.8 MB

Noom. Weight Watchers. Shake and Workout companies. They *say* you get a weightloss coach, but they are BLOWING SMOKE UP YOUR ASS from the cash you just burned by giving it to them. Haters come at me, but I stand by what I'm saying. I got 1000's of women inside my No BS Weightloss Membership that had NO CLUE what having a weightloss coach was until they saw me in action. A *diet* or *trainer* will give you meal plans, shakes, workouts, and such. That's great until you're faced with str...

You're Invited to my Summer Reset Workshop

May 27, 2022 17:04 - 4 minutes - 7.09 MB

Join me if you’re ready to LOSE WEIGHT without giving up your favorite summer foods & activities. Summer Reset Virtual Workshop Saturday, June 4, 2022 9am-2pm CT $47 Losing100Workshop.com 1/2 DAY VIRTUAL WORKSHOP You'll spend the day with me resetting your summer goals, plans and routines. By the time we end you'll know exactly what to do to lose weight and have a summer free of regrets, fuck-it eats, and worrying you can't lose weight.   PRINTABLE WORKSHOP NOTES AND PLANNING WORKS...

Summer Weightloss Q&A

May 27, 2022 07:00 - 55 minutes - 76.8 MB

How do you go on vacation and not eat your face off? Is travel bloat a "real thing," or am I just fooling myself? How do you lose weight when your friends are always wanting to "go out" because the weather is nice? My kids are home and that screws up my usual routine. It's too stressful to lose weight with all that chaos. How can I deal with that AND try to lose weight, too? If ANY of this sounds like you, listen to this week's podcast. My recent Facebook Live was FILLED with answers t...

Anxiety and Weightloss

May 20, 2022 07:00 - 40 minutes - 56.6 MB

A lot is going down in the world right now. Hell, the last two years have NOT been a picnic for any of us. I'm watching so many of my No BS Women going through some shit. Things like battling cancer, raising a child on the spectrum, or taking care of elderly parents who can no longer care for themselves. World events aren't making anything easier. But neither will eating your face off in response to all the bullshit going down. I know things are scary and uncertain. And yet, food s...

The Keep Start Stop Method

May 13, 2022 07:00 - 23 minutes - 34.2 MB

Years ago, I went through Yoga Teacher Training. Yes, me. The F-Bomb Queen was getting her woo on for 9 months. My teacher taught me a simple method to improving how I taught a class. It was so good that I taught it to my No BS Women. In today's podcast, I'm teaching you the Keep Start Stop Method for weightloss. It's a quick hack you can use to do a weekly review of how you ate and treated yourself. In the podcast, I teach you... • How I use the Keep Start Stop Method to this day (i...

Common Weightloss Questions: When to Weigh, What to Do When Plans Change & More

May 06, 2022 07:00 - 52 minutes - 73.5 MB

It's Q & A day, which means I answered a ton of burning weightloss questions like... How often should I weigh in? (It's not what Weight Watchers says you should do.) What do you do when you have your food planned out and somebody throws a wrench into your plan? (I teach you how you are ALWAYS in charge of what you eat, even when you don't think you are.) In maintenance - do you STILL plan your food? I don't want to, so do I just need to suck it up? (I tell you exactly what I do and why I...

Weighing Your Body, Not Your Self-Esteem

April 29, 2022 07:00 - 36 minutes - 51.8 MB

Do you make sure you poop, pee, and strip butt-ass naked before you weigh in? Do you carefully balance yourself on the scale, shifting your weight, trying to manipulate the final number? Does your mood of the day depend on what the scale says? If so, this is the podcast you need in your life. Today I'm teaching you... • The mindset you need when you step on the scale so you can lose weight (instead of losing your shit). • The 3 types of "Weightloss Journey Drama" you might do that...

Good vs. Bad Questions

April 22, 2022 07:00 - 11 minutes - 17.8 MB

Are you sitting around asking yourself ... Why can't I lose weight? Why can't I stick to my 24-hour food plan Why can't I figure out my body's hunger signals? These are TERRIBLE questions to ask yourself. Why? Your brain is NEVER going to answer these questions with something that will help you move towards your goal. When you start your questions with 'Why can't I,' your brain goes looking for all the reasons and excuses why you can't. Inside the No BS Weightloss Program, I help...

How to Make a Decision

April 15, 2022 07:00 - 39 minutes - 55.9 MB

Making a decision can bring up a lot of crap. It can feel overwhelming because you have a load of options and bring on a ton of fear you'll choose the wrong thing. Without the ability to sort through your fears, worries, and perfectionistic tendencies, you'll find yourself stuck in indecision and feeling like shit. The last thing I want for you is a lot of worry and stress while you're trying to lose weight listening to the podcast. So, I recorded a podcast that makes any decision you ne...

How to Use the Podcast for Weightloss

April 01, 2022 07:00 - 37 minutes - 52.6 MB

I was broke-ass poor growing up. Momma worked minimum wage jobs, trying her best to keep my baby brother and I fed. Those days were when I learned a lot of my eating habits. Things like: "Eat all you can because who knows when the next meal is coming..." "Fast food is not only cheap, but it's a good way to get a lot of food after a long, hard day." But those days also taught me something else. A lot of people can't afford to lose weight. They don't have the money for programs, kits, an...

Weekend Planning Isn't Hard

March 25, 2022 07:00 - 6 minutes - 10.5 MB

A lot of us have this thought about the weekends just being hard. We associate weekends with dinner parties, BBQs & potlucks, and going out. Maybe weekends are your time off and all you want to do is relax...and cooking seems like so much work. You see, when we don't challenge our belief that weekends are hard, all we're going to see are things that reinforce our beliefs. On this week's podcast, I'm shining a light on WHY your brain does this. Check out Episode 260: Weekend Plannin...

Four Basics of Exercise Fueling with Jill Angie

March 18, 2022 13:27 - 1 hour - 101 MB

Recently, I was a guest on the podcast Not Your Average Runner with Jill Angie. (You can check out her website HERE). Jill helps women of all sizes and fitness levels learn how to run. I sure wish I had a Jill back when I started running. She would've told me the size of my body doesn't define being an adult athlete, and my pace had nothing to do with my worthiness as a runner. And I know she would've helped me quit using exercise as a punishment for being overweight. She reached out to ...

Can I Lose Weight If...

March 11, 2022 08:00 - 58 minutes - 81.3 MB

On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, I go Facebook Live to answer questions from listeners of the Losing 100lbs with Corinne podcast. When you listen to this week's podcast, you'll hear me answer all kinds of questions. Things like can I lose weight if... I'm in menopause? I'm 80 years old? I travel a lot for work? I feel fake and weird trying to treat myself better? I love food? I answer these questions and many more. Make sure you listen because it was an hour of powerful weightloss ...

Now is NOT the Time to Lose Weight

March 04, 2022 08:00 - 49 minutes - 69 MB

There are 3 reasons people think, "Now is not the time to lose weight." It's important to know these because our reasons usually sound very legit... But they might not be. Sometimes we find justifications and excuses in our life to avoid doing something we are just SCARED of doing. This happens in weightloss all the time. Deep down, we don't think we can do it. We look around at our life and find a good excuse. And then we get a sense of RELIEF that right now is not a good time. That r...

3 Most Common Self-Sabotage Patterns and What You Can Do About Them (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 5)

March 03, 2022 20:31 - 1 hour - 87.6 MB

I'll kick it off by talking about THREE OF THE MOST COMMON SELF-SABOTAGE PATTERNS and what you can do about them. If any of these sounds like you, then you need to be there! You quit a diet when you make mistakes or don't lose enough weight (thinking, "I'll never do anything right"). You put off trying new things, like stopping at enough at dinner, because you're afraid you'll get hungry later. When you do something right with food or lose some weight, you feel scared or worried (instead ...

3 Why's that Helped Me Lose 100 lbs (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 4)

March 02, 2022 19:51 - 1 hour - 104 MB

I'll kick it off by talking about THREE WHY'S THAT HELPED ME LOSE 100LBS. You'll hear... Why it was important that I learned how to eat like a normal person (because I didn't think it was possible). How I stopped feeling ashamed and petty because one of my why's was "vanity" based. Why breaking a generational curse of obesity motivated me to figure out my shit. I'll help you find your why. It might be the thing you need in the moments when losing weight and being in control around your f...

Special Episode: Are You Ready to Lose Weight for the Last Time?

March 02, 2022 08:00 - 2 minutes - 5.04 MB

The No BS Weightloss Program is now open and it's your only chance to join until we open again in the Fall.  Click here to learn more: JoinNoBS.com If you want to feel in control of food and feel confident the weight is coming off FOR GOOD, then join me. The No BS Program is only open until Saturday, March 5 at 11:59pm CT. The doors WILL close and not open for you again until September 2022. I'd love to be your coach. Click here to learn more and get started now. JoinNoBS.com

3 Common Fears Around Food and How to Bust Them (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 3)

March 01, 2022 21:17

I'll kick it off by talking about THREE COMMON FEARS AROUND FOOD and how to bust them. You'll learn... How to drop perfectionistic "clean" and "healthy" eating beliefs that keep you stuck in restricting and fuck-it eating cycles. What to do when guilt strikes for having "bad" foods (and how common but solvable this problem is). How to add in foods you've restricted or thought were "naughty" in a way that doesn't trigger sudden weight gain and feelings of being out of control. This epis...

3 Common Fears Around Food and How to Bust Them. (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 3)

March 01, 2022 21:17

I'll kick it off by talking about THREE COMMON FEARS AROUND FOOD and how to bust them. You'll learn... How to drop perfectionistic "clean" and "healthy" eating beliefs that keep you stuck in restricting and fuck-it eating cycles. What to do when guilt strikes for having "bad" foods (and how common but solvable this problem is). How to add in foods you've restricted or thought were "naughty" in a way that doesn't trigger sudden weight gain and feelings of being out of control. This episod...

4 Things to Look Out for When Using The Doable Hunger Method (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 2)

February 28, 2022 18:27 - 1 hour - 85.9 MB

I'll kick it off by talking about FOUR THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR when using The Doable Hunger Method. You learn... What to do when you forget to ask am I hungry or have I had enough (and it ain't GETTING PISSED at yourself). Why some days you're barely hungry and other days you could eat your fur baby when it walks by (and how understanding this shows you why calorie counting has failed you in the past). What to do if you are "sad" at how much food you really need each day (because grieving...

3 Common Mistake When You Lose Weight (Take Control of Food Challenge Day 1)

February 28, 2022 01:33 - 1 hour - 94 MB

Today I'm talking about THREE COMMON MISTAKES we make when we try to lose weight. You'll learn... What to do so you can drop perfectionism with the Four Basics (because perfectionism is the #1 reason for quitting any weightloss program). How to stop reacting to the ups and downs of your life with food. The most underestimated weightloss tactic (and the one thing we overemphasize in weightloss that is total BULLSHIT). This episode of Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne is a special LIVE fr...

How to Stop Eating to Feel Good

February 25, 2022 08:00 - 43 minutes - 61.6 MB

The biggest mistake in weightloss I see women make is simple: They spend time trying to lose weight to feel good about themselves instead of learning how to feel good about themselves so they are motivated in a good way to lose weight. When you lose weight to feel good about yourself, you will run out of energy. Your inner critic is in charge and whipping your ass daily to make sure you stick to your diet. And when we run out of energy, we EAT to FEEL GOOD. You're desperately trying ...

Special Episode: You're Invited to My FREE Take Control of Food Challenge

February 20, 2022 08:00 - 2 minutes - 3.4 MB

I'm hosting a FREE 5-Day Take Control of Food Challenge... And, you are invited! Sign up at TakeControlChallenge.com Here's what you get: Quick, daily On-Demand Videos filled with simple steps to make eating for weightloss easy (February 27-March 5). The printable Take Control Challenge Guide that lays out exactly what to do (plus a simple daily food planning page that takes away the stress of wondering what to eat each day). Free private Facebook group to ask questions, have fun and se...

How to Stop Thinking You HAVE TO.

February 18, 2022 08:00 - 9 minutes - 14.6 MB

Do you start the month all gung ho on your diet and then fizzle out a couple of weeks in? I'm going to let you in on a big No BS secret. The only thing that changes are your thoughts. I can hear you now. "But Corinne, what about motivation?" Are you sitting around waiting for motivation to fall out of the sky? It's time to look at your thoughts and see if they give you power or take it away. The best way to do that is to change your thoughts and get away from HAVE TO thinking. ...

4 Signs You're Emotionally Eating

February 11, 2022 08:00 - 59 minutes - 81.7 MB

Do you ever find yourself eating when you aren't hungry simply because you're bored? Do you "clean your plate" knowing you should stop eating? Have you ever suddenly needed something sweet to get you through the afternoon? Maybe you end a "good day" with a little treat. I mean, come on. You DESERVE a reward for all the bullshit you put up with today. These are four common symptoms of emotional eating. And when you want to lose weight, they also leave you feeling frustrated and pissed...

When New Year's Diets Go to Shit

February 04, 2022 08:00 - 1 hour - 82.5 MB

Did you know that by January 19, most people have given up on their diet and fitness goals they set with so much enthusiasm on January 1? That's right. Most people won't even make it past the first three weeks. If you're one of them, DON'T LOSE HOPE. There are four things to think about that can help you refocus and restart in a way that can last. Did you start something unsustainable or a temporary fix? How was it going? What worked for you and what didn't? Did you lose motivation,...

Why Losing the Last 20 Pounds Is Hard

January 28, 2022 08:00 - 59 minutes - 82.3 MB

Whether you're trying to lose the last 20lbs or wondering why your weightloss stalls out before you reach your goal - this podcast is for you. I've got 6 things you must watch out for so that you can lose those last stubborn pounds. It has nothing to do with cutting carbs, exercising more, or starving your ass off. You'll learn... What to do if you keep thinking, "I shouldn't have to eat less," and how to make changes that don't freak you out. Why you don't need to "give up carbs" or "...

My Partner Doesn't Support Me

January 21, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 12 MB

If you're wondering ... "Corinne, how do I tell my partner I'm trying to lose weight again without their raised eyebrows and jackass comments?' Then you need to listen to Episode 251: My Partner Doesn't Support Me. Most of our partners have watched us diet for years. They've watched as we starve ourselves and then be miserable because we can't eat what we want. If you're anything like me, I bet you've chewed on their ass instead of food more than once when you were HANGRY. It's no ...

Losing Weight & Afraid of Regaining It

January 14, 2022 08:00 - 1 hour - 87.9 MB

When I lost 100lbs, you'd think I'd be over the moon ecstatic. There were moments I was thrilled. Don't get me wrong. LOL Tucking my shirt in was awesome. Shopping in the regular stores blew my mind. Picking up a medium shirt and having it fit was better than any dessert I'd ever eaten. But there were not enough shopping and getting dressed opportunities to quiet my fears of regaining my weight. I'd never kept my weight off. I blamed it on being too happy or getting cocky. But that...

How to Get Your Money's Worth

January 07, 2022 08:00 - 41 minutes - 58 MB

I would love to know how much money I spent on useless diets. I spent money on... -Books I either didn't read or ignored the shit they promoted. -Gym memberships I let lapse after over-exercising and nearly pulling the toilet paper holder off the wall because my legs were so sore. -Trainers who questioned me like a criminal for not losing weight as fast as they thought I "should." -Programs that promised big results as long as I was able to give up every single thing I loved to eat alo...

What if I Fail?

December 31, 2021 08:00 - 47 minutes - 67 MB

Of all the questions you could ask yourself about weightloss, What If I Fail is likely the one you ask 100's of times before starting a diet. And it's BULLSHIT! Think about the question. What kind of answer are you going to get? Crappy ones because it's the wrong question. It doesn't lead you toward change, believing in yourself, or even an idea of what to do next. What it DOES is scare your ass like a raccoon in the night when the lights are turned on. You either freeze up or turn and...

Underworking vs. Overworking

December 24, 2021 08:00 - 42 minutes - 60.3 MB

It feels like shit to work hard and not see the scale move. It's defeating to put in three weeks of hard work only to find yourself face down in pizza on Friday after a tough week. Why doesn't hard work just WORK? Well, it's because you've never been taught that OVERWORKING is worse than UNDERWORKING. In weightloss, we’re more likely to overwork ourselves in the beginning and then quit the moment something doesn't "go right." Things like: -The scale doesn't move. -Something bad h...

24 Hour Food Plan FAQs

December 17, 2021 08:00 - 12 minutes - 19.1 MB

A lot of us spend a ton of time on our thoughts but have a hard time taking action. For example: Did you make your 24-hour food plan today? Did you follow the last plan you made? Are you sure you will follow today's plan, no matter what? Have you made a plan for 30 days in a row? If you've taken my free course, you know that making a 24 Hour plan is one of the Four Basics of Weightloss... But I bet you have a hard time being consistent with your plans and following through on them...

I Deserve This

December 10, 2021 08:00 - 32 minutes - 46 MB

I remember day after day wanting to lose weight so bad. I'd wake up, swear I was going to be "good," and head off to face a day filled with putting out fires and rushing around dealing with way too much for one woman to handle. I was the "go to" person to get shit done: Corinne will handle it. Corinne's good under pressure. Mommy is the only person I want right now. Hell, if my cat could talk, I'm sure she would say that I'm the only one who can clean the cat box EXACTLY as she needs...

Can I Drink and Still Lose Weight?

December 03, 2021 08:00 - 52 minutes - 73.1 MB

Can you lose weight and still drink alcohol? Does drinking slow down your weightloss? These are two popular questions inside the No BS Weightloss Program (so much so we created a program and conduct special calls to help our members out). Today in Podcast Episode 244, you'll get a few tips and tricks on how to enjoy drinking without stalling your weightloss. You'll learn... ➡️ How I plan my wine and date nights. ➡️ The types of drinks I love (especially while In Las Vegas because...

Busting Your Holiday Excuses

November 26, 2021 08:00 - 10 minutes - 10.4 MB

Are you freaking out about the holidays? Afraid you'll eat your face off because that's what you do year after year? This often happens because we go into the holidays... Worried about what people will think of our home, our body, or our weight. Fearing food because we've restricted so much on a diet that we have zero practice around some of our favorite foods. Thinking some foods are "bad," and the moment we eat something we love, we start spiraling in shame (which causes you to say ...

Scared to Lose Weight: Loose Skin, Exercise & Weight Gain and Male Attention

November 19, 2021 08:00 - 55 minutes - 77.3 MB

There's a lot of fear around weightloss. You'd think there wouldn't be, but today's podcast proves the opposite. I coach several women with the same problem. There's something making them afraid to lose weight. When you are stuck or suffering with worry, it's a sign you got some shit lurking under the surface you need to overcome. In today's episode you'll hear... A woman stalled out in weightloss because she's so afraid of LOOSE SKIN. We talk about how I've dealt with my own loose...

When the 4 Basics Aren't Working

November 12, 2021 08:00 - 31 minutes - 45.4 MB

When you first hear the Four Basics you likely think, "I should be able to do this." They make sense. They are simple to understand. There's no big ass rules or restrictions. But even when something is simple to understand that doesn't make it easy to do. In today's podcast I'll teach you... What it means when you aren't "perfect" with the Four Basics (and it's not that you are a failure or can't do it). How to use them to plot the things you need to work on that the diet industry ...

75 Hard Review

November 05, 2021 07:00 - 57 minutes - 80.5 MB

I keep seeing people talk about 75 Hard. Maybe you've even had friends try it to lose weight and get in shape. Once I looked into it, I was like, WHOA. This can definitely perpetuate the diet myth that to lose weight, you must... Put a heavy emphasis on workouts for weightloss. Give up foods you love. Have inflexible rules. Be punished for not being perfect. I don't believe in that shit. So in today's podcast, I give you my thoughts. And I'm pretty sure the haters will be dousing me...

Dealing with Feelings: Shame, Fear, Confusion and Restriction

October 29, 2021 07:00 - 52 minutes - 73.5 MB

If you are overweight, you might experience feelings like shame, fear, confusion and restriction. Being aware of these emotions is the first step in dealing with them. In Episode 239, I am live coaching four women through each of these feelings. And when you are aware of these emotions and what's causing them, you have the POWER to overcome them. This podcast is packed with goodies like... Finding your why for losing or keeping your weight off (even after you receive devastating new...

It's Not Too Late (55+ Weightloss)

October 22, 2021 07:00 - 21 minutes - 31.1 MB

Women are told all the time that they can't lose weight. And if you are peri-menopausal, post-menopausal, or going through menopause, you are practically written off! I see it all the time. And frankly, it pisses me off. I'm not here to debate hormones, but I do know this. I have an awful lot of No BS Women in their 50's, 60's, and 70's losing weight even after they were told they couldn't. And if you know me, I didn't tell them to do anything other than let go of emotional eating. T...

Covid Weight Gain and Mental Beatdowns (Live Q&A)

October 15, 2021 07:00 - 52 minutes - 73.5 MB

Are you wondering what to do if you regained weight during Covid? If so, you'll want to listen to this podcast. I coach four women who have one thing in common. They're all frustrated and keep eating over it. You'll hear me help them, and I hope it helps you. Take a listen if any of these apply to you: What do I do when I'm on medication that makes my hunger signals hard to find? Help! I gained 20lbs during Covid and feel completely overwhelmed. How do I get back on track to lose my Co...

The Right Time to Lose Weight

October 08, 2021 07:00 - 32 minutes - 46.2 MB

I struggled with weightloss most of my life. Day after day, I would spend time wondering if now was a good time to start. There were so many times I would worry if I could do it. Do you ever do that? Sit back worrying and wondering about losing weight while your mind tells you 1000 reasons you can't do it? Wondering and worrying about my weight kept me 100lbs overweight most of my life. I was constantly putting off starting and spent years spinning out, trying to find the perfect way...

Basic Mistakes

October 01, 2021 07:00 - 47 minutes - 66.8 MB

I teach four simple steps to weightloss. Drink water (shoot for 64 ounces to help prevent carb and salt cravings). Get 7-9 hours of sleep (otherwise, your body can't burn fat and will store it instead). Eat when you get hungry (not just when it's time or you want to) and stop right before you're full (instead of when you feel bloated and burpy). And, make a plan of what you'll eat for the day, including foods you like (instead of hoping you'll "do good" and then eating whatever you w...