Happy Halloween! In a time where the spooky and the dangerous are celebrated, we turn our attention away from the heroes and villains that dominate the Zelda story and focus more on the legions of baddies that haunt our every step. By the time we've slain our thousandth keese, they seem pretty uneventful, but what would happen if they were in our world? Could you handle swarms of chuchus? What about a Gohma? Today, our Zelda experts look at what it would mean if Zelda monsters were a part of our real lives.

Podcast hosts: Connor and Zara

Welcome: What Zelda Monsters Do You Like/Hate?
0:00 - 8:27

Segment 1: What Zelda Boss Could You Defeat Yourself? - Jason and Zach
8:28 - 28:05

Segment 1 Follow-up
28:06 - 37:09

Segment 2: Zelda Monsters in our Everyday Lives - Shona and David
37:09 - 52:50

Segment 2 Follow-Up
52:50 - 1:04:13

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