Surprise! The ZUBC is bringing a little light to the end of a dark, dark year with our second episode release in a single month! And it's a super special episode, to boot!
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Yes, as promised, this is our special Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity episode! We know that many of you have only just gotten your hands on the game, so we stuck by a strict code of only covering content available before Chapter 5 (roughly the first half of the game). That means that Chapter 5 and onward was off-limits to us, and Lynels were standing by to dole out punishment to anyone who mentioned anything from the latter half of the game.

This episode is a little different from past episodes: the hosts have more air time than usual, and we only have two regular segments. Do not fret, however; your hosts, Media Man Alex and yours truly (Eden) have a lot to discuss! (I kid you not: I think I've put more hours into the original Hyrule Warriors game among all three releases than I have into any other video game ever throughout time. I was destined to play it. And yes, I've already pumped almost 100 hours into Age of Calamity. Because it's awesome. Must. Contain. Excitement!)

Our other content this episode includes another edition of "What If Zelda Was…?" by Randy, in which he breaks down what sets each Hyrule Warriors game apart from the other; a bitingly timey-wimey installment of "Fake Zelda History" from Elias; and a special roundtable discussion featuring Kelly (the Editor)!

A lot of love went into this episode—at the very least, from me lol—and we're pretty sure you'll feel it, too. Thanks for sticking with us this year, and we'll see you again in 2021! (We have some super special things planned for some super special anniversaries….)

Here's what you can expect to hear this episode:

Presented by the hosts
What If Zelda Was…a Dynasty Warriors Game…That's a Zelda Game?
Presented by Randy
Hosty discussion: Different experiences of Age of Calamity
Presented by the hosts
Roundtable Discussion: What the First Hyrule Warriors Did Wrong (and Right)
Presented by the hosts + Kelly
Fake Zelda History: Timelines
Presented by Elias
Presented by the hosts
Episode credits
Presented by Eden
Kelly's dog, Texas, makes her ZUCast debut (Bloopers)

You can let us know what you think of this episode or the podcast in general! Leave us feedback directly at [email protected], in our thread on the ZU Forums, or on our Facebook or Twitter, @ZeldaUniverse. We also have an Instagram, YouTube channel, and Twitch channel, all of which are @ZeldaUniverseTV.

Don't miss another episode of the ZUCast! Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcatcher!

Listen to the episode on YouTube! (coming soon!)

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