The 1970's was a decade of unparalleled exploration far above and below the sea. From astronauts driving on the moon and unmanned probes collecting data on the outer planets to piercing the deepest oceans in new submersibles, scientists and engineers achieved some of the greatest feats in human history. One such pioneer, Dr. Sylvia Earle is an ocean scientist and engineer, policymaker and conservationist, and best of all, a record-setting deep sea explorer  whose work over 60 years places her in the company of Cook, Piccard, Cousteau, Ballard, and more recently, Cameron.

Dr Earle has spent thousands of hours under the sea as an aquanaut, as a pilot of over 30 different submersibles, and as a researcher studying marine animals and plants. In 1979 she set the individual record for deepest dive in a JIM suit at 400m.  In addition, she has served as Chief Scientist for

Through the company she founded,, she collaborated on the development of submersibles and remotely operated vehicles.

Thanks to an initial award from the TED organization about ten years ago (, Dr. Earle launched the Mission Blue Foundation to help people, organizations, and governments around the world form ocean sanctuaries she calls "Hope Spots."  There are well over 100 Hope Spots underway today.  

Dr. Earle continues to consult on ocean issues including major events like the Deep Water Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and she travels globally and speaks frequently about the need to preserve the oceans, its biodiverse lifeforms, complexity, chemistry, and health.


That Sounds Wild:  Sea Lions.