Dr. Andreas Fahlman, senior researcher for the Oceanographic Foundation in Valencia Spain shares insights into the respiratory physiology and behavior of offshore and coastal bottlenose dolphins. In addition to significant size differences between these two distinct populations from the same species of dolphin, the larger offshore type has been observed routinely diving to depths of 1000m, whereas the much smaller near shore animals rarely venture beyond depths of 10m. His research to date suggests the diving reflex in marine mammals, a phenomena observed for decades, is actually far more complex than first described. Dr. Fahlman says the passion and skills of the professional animal trainer are a vital tool for researchers engaged in scientific efforts to understand animal physiology and behavior in human care. Such understanding is important because it can lead to the development of new and innovative methods for collecting, designing, and validating data observed from wild populations.  

With the 2109 hurricane season underway, we talk with the program manager for the ZAHP Fusion Center, Dr Yvonne Nadler. Funded by the USDA, the center is a repository for best practices and information designed to assist all (i.e., AZA, ZAA, independent) zoological animal facilities with their disaster preparedness and emergency response planning for natural and manmade events like wild land fires, storms, flooding and zoonotic diseases.

Rachel Garner of http://whyanimalsdothething.com returns with a legislative update on the new bill HR 4211 and its harmful implications for all zoos and aquariums.

Plus, That Sounds Wild: siamang.  Peter Giljam www.Zoospensefull.com.






