A VERY, VERY SPECIAL EPISODE OF SOVRYN TECH WITH A VERY SPECIAL GUEST!! Is Amazon finally going to compete with YouTube? Proof that Apple is engaging in planned obsolescence with iPhones? And—at the 35 minute mark—Dr. Stephanie Murphy and I have a very special guest: Mistress Harley! You are not going to want to miss this! And so much more!

Special Guests:
--Mistress Harley (twitter: twitter.com/Techdomme)
(website: www.mistressharley.com/)
--Dr. Stephanie Murphy (website: smvoice.info)

The Foreplay:
--The Sovryn Tech Newsletter (zog.email), new items in the Sovryn Tech Store (store.sovryntech.com), Amazontube, games randomly taken down from Steam and PSN (bit.ly/2l53phN), 5G NR standard announced ( bit.ly/2pkXWJ3), the iPhone slowdown (bit.ly/2C48JMC), Laopi (bit.ly/2BXgQbz), Haven app (guardianproject.github.io/haven/).

The Climax:
--"Kindle Oasis 2017 Edition"

--“ZenCash” Link: zensystem.io/
--"Roberts & Roberts Brokerage" Link: rrbi.co
--"CryptoCompare" Link: www.cryptocompare.com/
--“Unixstickers” Link: stickers.sovryntech.com
--“Sovryn Tech T-Shirts!” Link: store.sovryntech.com
--”Sovryn Tech Solutions” Link: solutions.zog.ninja
--”Libreboot X200” Link: bit.ly/1FI57ew
--"NeverAgain.tech" Link: neveragain.tech/
--"Surveillance Self-Defense" Link: ssd.eff.org/
--"That One Privacy Site" Link: thatoneprivacysite.net/
--"Privacytools.io" Link: www.privacytools.io/
--"ipleak.net" Link: ipleak.net/
--"Secure Messaging Apps" Link: www.securemessagingapps.com/
--"Lavabit" Link: lavabit.com
--"Obsolete! Magazine" Link: obsolete-press.com/
--"A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography" Link: toc.cryptobook.us/
--"URLscan.io" Link: urlscan.io/
--"TatianaCoin Campaign" Link: TatianaCoin.com
--"Zcash4win" Link: zcash4win.com/
--"EFF Guide to the US Border" Link: bit.ly/2m79lGe
--"Max Stirner's 'The Unique and Its Property' Book" Link: amzn.to/2rCGM95
--"RetroShare" Link: retroshare.net/
--"PortaPow USB Condom" Link: amzn.to/2sPMuoL
--“Books of Liberty” Link: booksofliberty.com/
--“DongleAuth” Link: www.dongleauth.info
--"Dark Android: 2017 Edition" Link: darkandroid.info
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