Metallica - Trapped Under Ice

Torrefy - Outrun by Wolves

Sufism - Republik Jakarta

Ludichrist - Big Business

Psycroptic = Observant

Deathblow - Insect Politics

PatriarcH - Barely Alive, Far From Dead

Coroner - Purple Haze

Malice Divine - Malicious Divinty

Overcharge - Ravenous

Kreator - One of Us

Deathroll - Visceral End

Vader - Only Hell Knows

Pantera - Fucking Hostile 

The Deviant - Martydom

Aspyhx - Knights Templar Stand

Timeless Haunt - March of Death

Cryptic Slaughter -All Wrong

Eximperitus - Tahadu

Syanastry - Dead to Me

Forbidden - Tossed Away

Dying Fetus - Weak the Structure

Serrated - Four Corners

Nile - Papyrus to Protect...

Helmet - Meantime

Exhumed - In the Mouth of Hell