
The Egyptian revolution, three years after

Lecture by Maikel Nabil

Maikel Nabil was lecturing on his experiences during the Egyptian Revolution. Based on his personal experience as a political detainee subjected to torture and sexual attacks while in captivity, he not only reported on the status of human rights: Together with the public, he also addressed the question of Egypt’s future.

Maikel Nabil’s political activity and commitment began in 2005. In the years between 2009 and 2011, he was arrested five times: the first time for distributing flyers at Asyut University against the activities of the secret services at public universities, the second time, following his demonstration against police violence. As leading member of the movement »No to Compulsory Military Service« founded in 2009, Maikel Nabil, like many others, objected to military service, which caused him to be arrested a third time. He fought in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 – arrest number 4. His last arrest was due to a letter he drafted against the Egyptian army. He was sentenced to a total of three years imprisonment. During incarceration, Maikel Nabil was subjected to torture and to sexual attacks, before finally being released in January, 2012 following a 103-day hunger strike and large-scale international campaign lasting ten months .