Wait a second. Did Samuel Beckett take over the podcast? Are the postmoderns truly having their way (which is not really a way, since "ways" are merely constructs of the prevalent social order) and is Zion's Finest descending into a morass of existential crisis?!


We do, however, get the ever-brilliant Ryan Stripling from Arkansas to come on the podcast and give two--that's right, two--regionals reports from his forays into the middle of the United States. It is a harrowing tale which, parenthetically, is not told by an idiot, but instead, A GENIUS! BRACE YOURSELVES!

Ryan talks about how Rebels are the best (correct), why he loves Drokkatta so much (correct?), and why Jyn is overrated (CORRECT?!).

Please join us on the Slack! Send an email to [email protected]

Please support us on Patreon so that Kenny doesn't have to take up a side job talking about everything that's wrong with postmodern philosophy: https://www.patreon.com/zionsfinest

Check out Ryan's EXCELLENT write-ups:

