Today my guest is Daniel Schmachtenberger.

Daniel is a Co-Founder at the Neurohacker Collective and director of Research and Development, where he is focused on developing processes and technologies for advancing medicine and human optimization. He is particularly focused on personalized medicine, adequate approaches to complex illness, and deepening our knowledge of how the human regulatory systems function, how they break down, and how they can be supported to function with greater resilience.

Daniel also runs a blog called Civilization Emerging where he focuses on exploring topics relevant to being human well, individually and collectively. Specifically, thoughts on the future of civilization, the sensitivity and potential of our current situation, and how we might navigate the path ahead.

Daniel and I discuss a number of topics, namely the role aesthetics play in his work, current questions he has around public education, secret societies, and how to build and maintain a personal sovereignty stack.

Buckle up. This one’s a long time coming.

ALSO: If you’re a musician and want your music featured on this show, please email me:

[email protected]

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