This week I sit down with a wise woman who also happens to be my mother.

Dr. Keesha Ewers started her career as a nurse practitioner, hospice caregiver, and mother to 4 children. She is a deep systems thinker with a wide range of knowledge including Peruvian Shamanism, Ayurvedic Medicine, hypnotherapy, and Nondual Saiva Tantra. She has a PhD in Functional Sexology and has dedicated her life to creating better systems for the flourishing of vibrant, awakened humans.

We discuss the current breakdown in institutional trust, mortido vs. libido, interpreting mystical experience, and how to reclaim sovereignty through the healing process. My apologies for the audio issues…it’s still a fantastic conversation! XOXO, C

Show Notes:

Check out her website.

Follow her on Facebook.

Watch her TedX talk.