This week my guest is Ronan Harrington.

In 2016, Ronan founded Alter Ego, an organisation working to gather high profile leaders in order to find our way out of this crisis moment in history. Alter Ego gatherings have brought the world’s most pioneering business and political leaders in high profile retreats to decode this process of psychological and cultural change at an organisational and societal level.

Ronan now applies this thinking with leaders who are affecting transformational change at the highest levels of international media, business, politics and the arts. His most recent work has included being a lead facilitator for the Reformist Group, a high powered network of international business, political and media leaders who are advising on future reforms to the European Union. He was also a lead contributor to Theama, a multidisciplinary think tank providing insight and inspiration for the world renowned choreographer Akram Khan as he devised his final solo performance Xenos.