Excited to kick off season 6 with Cherie Denna's story interview! 

Cherie Denna is an author, speaker, and writing coach. In this interview, she describes her dysfunctional childhood, which was comprised of mob members from her mom's family and outlaw bikers from her dad's family. 

Violence occurred daily. Additionally, Cherie and her sister were abused by her stepfather. At 17, she knew she had to get away from that toxic environment. She began to process the violence, abuse, and fear she experienced in her childhood home. The resulting trauma caused PTSD, suicidal ideations, and infertility. 

Many years later, Cherie accepted an invitation to a ladies retreat at a church from a friend. This event became a turning point for her. She accepted Jesus and discovered her identity and belonging in Him. 

Cherie's memoir, Beloved Outcast: The Quest for True Belonging, is releasing in February. 

Notable quotes from this episode with Cherie Denna: 

* "Just the nature of the culture of belonging to a mob family and being associated with outlaw bikers. Everything had to stay within the family. Nobody outside the family can be trusted." 

* "I grew up immersed in fear." 

* "I knew I had to get out of there. I thought I was running from it all. You can't. You can run from the environment, but the after effects of all the trauma goes with you." 

* [Jesus] set me on a whole different path. I had a way now through Him - through Christ - to truly learn who I was born to be. And who I truly belonged to." 

Scripture references:

2 Corinthians 5:17: "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has gone, the new had come!" 

Connect with Cherie Denna: 

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheriedenna

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheriedenna/

Her website: https://cheriedenna.com/